Nealle DiPaolo

참여 작품

아메리칸 페이블
Boom Operator
1980년대 레이건 시대의 미국. 농부들이 어려움을 겪던 이 시기에 11살 소녀 기티의 집도 경제적 위기에 처해 그녀의 부모 역시 농장을 잃지 않기 위해 애를 쓴다. 어느 날 기티는 곡식저장고에 양복 차림의 한 남자가 숨어 있음을 알게 되고 그녀의 아버지가 농장을 지키기 위해 그것을 허락했음이 드러나는데.
In Bloom
Dialogue Editor
A portrayal of love and loss, In Bloom shows a personal and realistic tale of losing first love. During a tumultuous summer in Chicago, a serial killer terrorizes boystown while two young men experience the pain of separation and broken hearts.
In Bloom
Foley Artist
A portrayal of love and loss, In Bloom shows a personal and realistic tale of losing first love. During a tumultuous summer in Chicago, a serial killer terrorizes boystown while two young men experience the pain of separation and broken hearts.
Incredibly Small
Sound Designer
Two recent college graduates, Anne, an ambitious law student and Amir, an aimless escalator attendant and aspiring sculptor move into a 300 square foot apartment and try to start a life together. But the combination of their small apartment, their threateningly handsome neighbor across the hall and unexpected visitors from the past make them realize that maybe they aren't as perfect for each other as they previously had thought.