GI Bernstein / Vietnam
어떤 지질학자 팀이 남극의 얼음 깊숙한 곳에 있는 오래된 나치 실험실을 발견하게 된다. 그곳에서 독일인들이 극비리에 아주 위험한 실험을 하고 있었다는걸 알게 된다. 미 군사위원회 소속 특수 대테러 임무 전담팀 데드 플레시 4(Dead Flesh Four)는 하늘을 나는 좀비 백상아리들을 조종하는 돌연변이 라이더를 막아 세상을 구해야만 한다.
Second Fugitive
Aspiring actress Eva Duarte rises from a minor celebrity to the wife of a powerful Argentine dictator, but her all consuming fiery rage, ambition, and hatred eventually become her downfall.
A woman tracks down the three men who raped her, helped by an Apache. Traveling through the Old West to her new home, young schoolteacher Alice McAndrew is abducted by five outlaws headed by robber Pudge Elliott. The thugs rape Alice before leaving her for dead, but she is rescued by Chatto, an Apache chief. He restores her health and aids her in her bloodthirsty quest for revenge. With her sanity wavering, will Alice be able to find the men who tortured her?
Django arrives in the town of Santa Anna at the behest of a man named Sanders who'd been trying to buy safe passage for his cargo from a Mexican bandit named El Santo. Django finds that Sanders has been killed and that his rival, a man named Thompson, is now trying to deal with El Santo. Django, after a brief involvement with a beautiful young widow named Linda -- who has information on a lost gold mine -- becomes entangled in this situation by agreeing to escort a shipment through El Santo's territory.