James Iles

참여 작품

Storyboard Artist
뉴욕으로 향하던 여객기가 테러범들에게 납치된다! ​비행기에 타고 있던 인터폴 요원 ‘알렉스’(조나단 리스 마이어스)는 홀로 테러범에 맞서지만, ​지상에서는 도시의 안전을 위해 국가안보국 국장 ‘호킨스’(알렉 볼드윈)의 지휘 하에 비행기 격추 작전이 진행된다. 한편, 비행기의 연료마저 바닥나며 추락까지 오직 97분만의 시간이 남게 되는데… 반드시 살아남아라! 리얼 타임 고공 액션 스릴러가 온다!
Attack of the Cyber Octopuses
Storyboard Designer
Neo-Berlin, 2079. A dark city held by mega corporations where the only way to enjoy life is by connecting to cyberspace. A team of detectives are investigating a new menace: an army of cyber octopuses that are terrorizing the government.
Cold Storage
Storyboard Artist
Several decades ago, a highly infectious, constantly mutating micro-organism – capable of extinction-level destruction – was contained in a military facility. In the present day, the military has sealed the facility’s lowest sublevel selling the remaining space to a self-storage company. As temperatures rise underground, the micro-organism finds a way to escape – and if left to spread, it will soon uncontrollably multiply around the world. The fate of humanity now rests on a retired bioterror operative and two unlikely heroes employed in the facility – who are caught in a race against time to destroy the organism and save mankind.