G. Margaryan

참여 작품

Sour Grape
Two years after receiving news of his father’s death in WWII a young boy continues to wait for trains from the front. The boy lives with his crippled uncle rather than with his mother, who has remarried and has another child. Then one day the father returns.
석류의 빛깔
하얀 바탕 위에 석류가 놓이고, 칼이 놓이고 그 밑으로 핏빛 액체가 번져간다. 남자의 발이 탐스러운 포도를 짓이기면 글씨가 기록된 석판 위로 흥건한 과육이 흐른다.
The film is about the civil war in the Zangezur (Syunik) province of Armenia in the early 1920s. The last Dashnak battalions headed by Sparapet Nzhdeh still opposed both the incursion of Red Army and the local Bolshevik partisans.