Executive Producer
Highlighting the unique culture of the Zapotec people of Oaxaca, Mexico, this groundbreaking documentary chronicles the lives of those who identify as muxes, a widely recognized third gender.
아르헨티나 북부 코리엔테스 지방, 라스밀(Las Mil)이라는 작은 마을을 배경으로 펼쳐지는 우정, 사랑, 힘의 관계를 보여준다. 감독은 영화 배경이 되는 지역의 역사나 정치적 상황을 전면에 드러내거나 일절 설명하지 않는다. 하지만 부재를 통해 실제 부재했던 힘을 묘사하는 방식으로, 영화 속에 어떤 공적인 힘도 등장하지 않게 함으로써 실제 정치권력이 수년간 주민들을 방치한 결과를 약물과 빈곤을 통해 드러낸다. 시나리오는 지방 생활의 관습을 보여주는 많은 이야기 속에서 이리스와 레나타 사이의 사랑 이야기를 탄생시킨다.
Line Producer
Body-obsessed teenager Lucas and his mystically-inclined older sister, Gilda, unexpectedly become stranded when they travel to a nearly deserted coastal town to try to fulfill their dead mother's last wishes in whatever way they can.
Executive Producer
A rock concert, the irruption of the police, four friends forced to flee quickly and forget their backpack there. Friendship and adolescence combined as one, the future less than a time to travel rather than a space (a city) to discover.
Executive Producer
A young mother and sex worker from Buenos Aires suffers the hypocrisy of the laws that are supposed to protect her, in this compelling, profoundly political drama about the dismal choices foisted upon vulnerable women.
Supervising Producer
After many years away, Ariel is summoned by his distant father to his childhood home in the bustling Jewish quarter of Buenos Aires, known as El Once. Over the course of seven days, during the vibrant holiday of Purim, Ariel seeks to reconnect with his father, who runs a Jewish charity and is regarded as a big macher in the close-knit community, but was frequently absent due to his obligation to fulfill the Jewish quorum of having 10 men present at all funerals.