Ivanka Dimitrova

Ivanka Dimitrova

프로필 사진

Ivanka Dimitrova

참여 작품

더 리벤지
잘 나가는 변호사 '프랭크'는 바쁜 일 때문에 딸의 학예회에 가기로 한 약속을 지키지 못한다. 학예회가 끝난 뒤에도 아내와 딸의 귀가가 늦어지자 걱정되어 계속 전화 연결을 시도하던 프랭크에게 경찰이 찾아와 아내와 딸이 살해당했음을 알린다. 충격과 죄책감으로 인해 괴로워하던 프랭크는 범인을 찾기 전까지 침묵하기로 서약하고 자신만의 방법으로 복수할 것을 다짐하는데...!
The Weddings of Ioan Assen
The film takes us back into the times of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom - 13th century. The Bulgarian Emperor - Tsar Ioan Assen - is trying through several marriages to enlarge the State and to support the peace in it.
Mercy of the Tzar
Irina Radionova
Bulgaria is on the eve of World War I. King Ferdinand survives an attempt on his life thanks of high-school teacher Irina Radionova. The monarch is generous in his gratitude. He assures the teacher that he will not permit Bulgaria's involvement in a war. Back in the village where she lives, Radionova learns that war has just been declared. Her son Boyan has to leave for the front. Irina becomes a nurse. At the front, Boyan is facing trial for having taken the side of mutinous soldiers. Irina goes to the King to beg for clemency. Ferdinand promises to do something about it. However, when Irina arrives back, the presiding judge tells her that the sentence has already been carried out and hands her the telegram from the King. It says that His Majesty has graciously condescended to command that Irina Radionova be granted permission to receive the body of her son
Life Quietly Moves On...
The fortunes of a group of partisans after the triumph of the socialist revolution.