Owen Bissell

참여 작품

Game Hawker
Shawn Hayes leads a life of devotion. For him, falconry is more than a deep partnership with raptors: it’s his life’s work. As an American falconry ambassador, he’s carved a space for himself where people of color haven’t always been welcome. It's taken him across the globe, into strongholds of tradition and conservation. This film is about more than what humans can train birds to do—it’s about what those birds can teach us about living in partnership with wild creatures and wild places.
그해, 지구가 바뀌었다
코로나19 팬데믹으로 락다운(사회적 거리두기)되고 30억 명의 인간이 멈추자 지구와 하늘, 땅, 바다 등 자연이 본래의 생명력과 리듬을 회복되는 그 놀라운 광경을 담은 다큐멘터리 작품
작전명 서핑
끈질긴 전쟁의 기억, 죽음에 이끌리는 퇴역 군인들. 바다와 파도가 그들의 상처를 치유할 수 있을지도 모른다. 서핑을 배우며 새로운 삶으로 도약하는 이들의 이야기.
Electric Amazon
The Amazon is one of the wildest and least explored parts of the planet. Encompassing 6 countries and 2 million square miles of forest, river and floodplain, it has the highest diversity of life on the planet, but what lies below it is truly shocking. In its deep muddy rivers, clear streams and expansive floodplains a freak-show of fish life has exploded, with some of the strangest shapes and weirdest adaptations on Earth. Hiding in the vast rivers and streams is an electric grid, a bizarre community of fish with a highly sophisticated electric sixth sense. Using electricity, these "Super" fish can communicate wirelessly, control each other remotely and emit shocks that can stop a human heart. This cryptic world has mystified scientists throughout the ages. Now an intrepid scientist, Will Crampton ventures back into the dark jungles where the inspiration for our technology driven world first emerged, in an attempt to unravel their secrets and unlock the electric code.