Alexia Chardard

Alexia Chardard

프로필 사진

Alexia Chardard
Alexia Chardard
Alexia Chardard

참여 작품

It's gonna be okay
After the ode to love of "Loving", the b-side, about sadness, breaks-up, loneliness.
Forever Young
At the end of the 1980s, Stella, Victor, Adèle and Etienne are 20 years old. They take the entrance exam to the famous acting school created by Patrice Chéreau and Pierre Romans at the Théâtre des Amandiers in Nanterre. Launched at full speed into life, passion, and love, together they will experience the turning point of their lives, but also their first tragedy.
Des Amandiers aux Amandiers
A free and intimate portrait behind the scenes of Valeria Bruni Tedeschi's creation. In front of the camera, she transmits to today’s young actors the memory of the 1980s.
Atomic Summer
Victor, in his early 20s, works at the town hall and lives with his girlfriend Charlotte, who is expecting their first child. When an incident happens at the nearby nuclear power plant, he and his high school friends are forced to confine themselves inside a farmhouse, whereas they should have evacuated the area. As the rain is threatening, they are keeping an eye out for the radioactive cloud. The next 24 hours will be crucial.
날 것이 맛있어
소피와 빈센트는 10년 넘게 가족 경영 정육점을 운영해왔다. 하지만 고기 공장과의 경쟁으로 그들의 작은 사업은 파산할 지경에 이르고 그들의 결혼생활도 무너져간다. 그들의 가게를 때려부순 비건 운동가를 빈센트가 실수로 죽이게 된 순간, 모든 것을 잃은 것만 같아 보인다. 빈센트는 살인자로 지목 당할 생각에 압도당하고 공포에 질린다. 그가 생각해낸 유일한 방법은 이 사체를 그의 아내가 무심코 팔게 될 햄으로 만드는 것이다. 하지만 정육점은 "특별한 햄"으로 인해 인산인해를 이루어 수요를 따라갈 수 없을 정도가 되었고 소피는 다시 빈센트와 사랑에 빠진 것 같다. 그들은 언제까지 사업과 결혼생활을 유지할 수 있을까?
Sœur Giulia
성흔과 그리스도와의 심장 교환, 신과의 결혼 등 종교적이고 에로틱한 무아경으로 신비주의로 추앙 받으며 수녀원장에 오른 베네데타. 수녀원에 들어온 바톨로매아라는 처녀와의 사랑이 교회에 적발되면서 한순간에 부정한 여인으로 몰락하는데…
Colin returns to Brest to discover that the petty theft he committed five years previously allowed his opportunistic parents to place his grandmother, Manou, in a home to die and lay their hands on her fortune. Now he is going to have to look the old lady in the eye. Before that, he spends Christmas with his parents and announces that he has written a novel that is soon to be published: an autobiographical work of fiction about them and their schemes…
Last Dance
Summer holidays, the first great love and a family secret. When the 14-year-old Parisian Ali travels to the country with his little brother Selim on the bus to his grandparents, he is anything but enthusiastic. But Ali does not know yet that he will meet the handsome Réjane through his childhood friend Pierre and that his grandfather André is hiding something from the whole family. In the end it will be an unforgettable summer, but Ali will also have to grow up and take responsibility.
Mektoub, My Love: Intermezzo
It's the end of summer vacation for Amin. The young photographer spends cozy evenings with Charlotte, the ex-girlfriend of his Casanova cousin. She talks to him about literature, he photographs her. Nobody knows that they see each other, especially not Ophélie, his childhood friend, who instead confides her troubles to Amin : her father wants her to take over the family farm, her fiancé Clement will return soon from Iraq for their wedding, she is pregnant with Tony’s baby, and Tony wants to keep their affair secret instead of having a serious relationship. Ophélie constantly contemplates her choices : would it be better to get an abortion in secret and marry Clement or to follow her maternal instinct and keep the child, perhaps seeking refuge with Amin in Paris?
메크툽, 마이 러브: 칸토 우노
Amin, an aspiring screenwriter living in Paris, returns home for the summer, to a fishing village in the South of France. It is a time of reconnecting with his family and his childhood friends. Together with his cousin Tony and his best friend Ophélie, he spends his time between the Tunisian restaurant run by his parents, the local bars and the beaches frequented by girls on holiday. Enchanted by the many female characters who surround him, Amin remains in awe of these summer sirens while his dionysiac cousin throws himself into their carnal delights with euphoria. Armed with his camera and guided by the bright simmer light of the Mediterranean coast, Amin pursues his philosophical quest while gathering inspiration for his screenplays. When it comes to love, only Mektoub (‘destiny' in Arabic) can decide.
Mektoub, My Love: Canto Due
It’s the end of summer vacation for Amin. The young photographer spends cozy evenings with Charlotte, the ex-girlfriend of his casanova cousin. She talks to him about literature, he photographs her. Between Amin’s encounters with these women and his dreams of cinema, many choices open up to him.