Jenny Quayle

출생 : , Paddington, London, England, UK

참여 작품

Sherlock Holmes and the Leading Lady
Violet Cholmondley
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson get involved with Balkan terrorists to save Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria from an assassination at the opera house and prevent World War I.
The Old Crowd
George and Betty, a middle-class English couple, have just moved into a big Edwardian house in London and are throwing a party to celebrate. Unfortunately, after ten days none of their furniture has arrived, having been sent to Carlisle by mistake, three of the four toilets don't work and cracks are starting to appear in the ceiling. However, nothing can dent their determination to have a good time.
File It Under Fear
File It Under Fear takes place in an outwardly normal rural British community. The tranquility is shattered by a series of brutal murders, all of them occurring in the library.