Tempting Hearts is a romantic comedy that tells the love story between Zhou Qiwen (Jerry Yan), the disgraced founder of a gaming company and the creator of a blind dating app called Chen Ran (Ren Suxi). Forced into bankruptcy by the “playboy” comments about him, Zhou Qiwen confronts the instigator, an employee for a blind dating app for an explanation. Signing up to join the dating app might not have been such a bright idea, that is, until Qiwen is matched with the creator of the app herself, Chen Ran. Throughout their dating shenanigans, the pair gradually lose their hostility towards each other, thus begins the start of something that could be wonderful if only they dare to open their hearts to each other. Inspired and Based on Jeff Chang's hit song of the same name from 27 years ago.
광부인 송진밍과 탕차오양은 석탄굴 안에서 탕의 동생을 곡괭이로 찍어 죽인다. 시체를 동굴 안에 묻은 후 탕과 송은 사장에게 돈을 뜯어내기 위해 이 사건을 당국에 고발한다고 협박한다. 살인과 협박으로 돈이 들어오자, 두 사람은 다른 희생자를 찾아 또다시 돈을 벌려고 한다. 그러나 다음 희생자로 예정되어 있던 16살의 순진 무구한 소작농 소년 펭밍을 바라보면서, 송진밍은 죄책감을 느끼게 되고 그들 사이에는 긴장감이 커져간다.