Nicole Laguigner

참여 작품

처녀의 침대
성경의 알레고리를 느슨하게 차용한 작품으로, 당대를 대표하던 패션모델이자 아티스트, 뮤지션인 주주가 막달레나 마리아로 분하며, 피에르 클레멘티가 예수 역을 맡았다. 감독 자신은 직접 엇나가는 제자로 출연한다. 필립 가렐은 당대의 68운동을 상징하는 인물로서 예수를 ‘궁극의 히피’로 내세운다.
The Revolution Is Only a Beginning. Let's Continue Fighting.
Half family photo album, half ciné-tract, the film was shot in Paris during the events of May ‘68 and in Rome where the actor was featuring in the film Partner by Bertolucci. Rediscovered in a basement in 1999, this silent film appears to be one of Clémenti’s most purely beautiful and concentrated works, at times recalling Brakhage and Eisenstein. - MUBI
Marie for Memory
Parallel lives of two couples destined to suicide, one, and unhappiness, the other.
Homeo is a mental construction made from visual reality, just as music is made from auditive reality. I put in this film no personal intentions. All my intentions are personal. I’ve made this film thinking of what the audience would have liked to see, not something specific that I wanted to say: what the film depicts is above all reality, not fiction. Homeo is, for me, the search for an autonomous cinematographic language, which doesn't owe anything to traditional narrative, or maybe everything. Cinema is, above all, part of a way of life which will become more and more self-assured in the years and century to come. We are part of this change, and that’s why I tried in Homeo to establish a series of perpetual changes, in constant evolution or regress, which tries, above all, to focus on things.