Alda Matos

참여 작품

Operation Autumn
A film about General Humberto Delgado's brutal assassination by the Portuguese fascist police in 1965.
Maria e as Outras
Maria, an executive from Oporto, lives in the search of the right man for her. On the other hand, her two friends, Joana, a doctor that has fallen in love to a co-worker, and Isilda, a hairdresser with an open hart and an adventurous spirit, seem to be happy with their lives. One day though, everything changes. Maria is forced to take care of her father, victim of a brain accident. During these days of turbulence, Maria thinks she has found the perfect man, a mysterious Star, an habitué of chat channels on the Internet. The three friends find out that cense of humour can be the key for a happy life. Internet, romance, a bachelor party; marriage, dates and some adventures are Loving Maria. A film where love shows himself with the most different looks. Love arrives when you don't expect it and goes away when you think it is safe. It can even appear in the light of a mobile computer.
Makeup & Hair
Rui Sequeira, a former fighter in the Colonial War, resident of a small village of Alentejo, celebrates another anniversary of the Carnation Revolution in the company of his wife and her daughter, the young Sara, with which he has a not so good relationship. On the night of the celebrations, the death of a friend forever alters his live, waking up a whole past long dormant.
Hair Designer
While the three heir sons of a hotel owner want to bring their establishment back to the glamour of former times, a Department of Health official tries to find the way of closing it permanently.
Adam and Eve
Catarina Menezes is a bisexual TV reporter who decides to have a child on her own and chooses Spanish humanitarian doctor Rafael to father the child, setting up an elaborate charade to lure him into her bed. When Catarina reveals her pregnancy, though, her current live-in girlfriend doesn't take to it kindly and promises to make Catarina's life hell; to make matters worse, Rafael finds out her true identity and comes to Lisbon to see her. And Catarina's sole refuge is in the arms of fellow journalist Francisco, her professional relationship slowly becoming a romantic one.
Chá Forte com Limão
In the summer of 1870, Raquel, who owns a farm, and lives secluded in her mansion with an old butler and a handful of servants, feels proud when an odd acquaintance comes by. Adriana and her daughter-in-law, Ermesinda, a very young girl, just happen to be visiting - the second time in 15 years for Adriana, and the first time for the teenager Ermesinda. The meeting seems to be pleasant, and yet, for reasons untold, there is coldness and reserve between Adriana and Raquel. Their ambiguous relationship will be revealed, when by accident old wounds are reopened.
아름다운 시절
스페인의 군주제가 공화제로 바뀌던 1930년대, 반군국주의 반란에 참가했던 젊은이 페르난도(Fernando: 조르지 산즈 분)는 탈영을 하고 어느 마을로 흘러 들어온다. 그는 우연찮게 마놀로 씨(Manolo: 페르난도 페르난 고메즈 분)의 집에서 네 명의 딸들과 함께 지내게 된다. 일년 전에 남편을 잃은 첫째 클라라(Clara: 미리암 미아즈 아로카 분), 남자같은 면이 강한 둘째 비올레타(Violeta: 아리아드나 길 분), 셋째 로시오(Rocio: 마리벨 베르두 분), 막내 루스(Luz: 페네로프 크루즈 분) 등 네 딸과, 요리를 잘하는 페르난도는 화목하고 즐겁게 보낸다. 서로 가까워지게 되면서 페르난도는 세 딸을 차례로 사랑하게 되지만 지나치게 자유로운 여자들에게 회의를 느끼게 되고 결국 막내딸 루스와 사랑을 이뤄 결혼하고 새로운 삶을 찾아 기회의 땅 미국으로 떠난다.
The Divine Comedy
In a mental institution the patients see themselves as people like Jesus, Lázaro, Marta, Maria, Adão, Eve, Sonia, Raskolnikov, Aliosha e Ivan Karamasov, a Philosopher, a Profet, Santa Teresa d'Avila, reciting the Divine Comedy.
The Jester
Makeup Artist
Set four years after the Portuguese revolution and the simultaneous loss of the Portuguese empire in Africa, the story concerns a director who sells guns to finance his play.