A humoristic coming-of-age story of Johannes who is born prematurely to a very young single mother. His destiny is to be always separated from his loved ones, to be “different”, to lose his hair because of pollution and to fall in love with a Chechen girl. All this during the turbulent times of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
2차 세계대전 이후 에스토니아는 스탈린에 의해 소련의 지배를 받게 되고 비밀경찰들로 하여금 전쟁 당시 강제로 독일군에 가담했었던 에스토니아 국민들을 처리하고자 하는데 이에 펜싱 선수인 엔델은 레닌그라드를 떠나 에스토니아의 작은 도시로 숨어들어 자신의 신분을 숨긴채 선생님이 되어 펜싱을 가르치며 벌어지는 이야기 입니다.
The film is about one of the greatest social hot spots in Estonia during the Soviet times when apartments were distributed by the state, telling the story of a real estate agent and a homeless man. Mass immigration in 1944-1988 led to demographic conflict. Free apartments were mainly given to immigrants despite the fact that local people badly needed places of residence as well. They are not tourists, they live here, but they haven't got a home.
The story of the trial of the trade union boss Jack Rafferty. With great force and astute critical insight, corruption and crime are exposed, accompanying the advancement of Western leaders to power.
The film takes place in Leningrad and Sverdlovsk, in 1970 and 1979.
Arriving on a business trip from Sverdlovsk in the Lenfilm, engineer catapults Sergei Gushchin meets a young actress Natasha. She invites him to show Leningrad, but Gushchin and he knows the city - he served here during the war. They are looking for an excuse for further meetings, but he always finds a reason to not to meet with the woman who is many years younger than him and with whom he has fallen in love with. Natasha understands too that she loves this man, but Gushchin leaves, and not daring to associate with her fate. In the end he leaves and only returns to Leningrad nine years later and then he tries to find Natasha again.
Незаметный, скромный бухгалтер Сулин часто попадает в полусмешные-полугрустные ситуации — часто робеет, боится идти наперекор хоть кому-то. Пока однажды случай не помог ему вспомнить, что и он был когда-то решительным и отважным.