Marine Life revolves around the choatic family life of June, a middle-aged lounge singer and mother. Aging and twice divorced, lounge singer June Nordstrom tries to cope with her fading beauty, her troubled offspring, her waning career and her young lover, who begins seeing a woman his age behind June's back.
While keeping her family together in the wake of her husband's murder, Joanne gets drawn into another murder investigation when a friend, artist Sally, comes back into town for an exhibition.
In 1981, former RCMP Undercover Agent "Patrick Kelly" was accused of causing the mysterious death of his wife. Managing to elude the authorities, Kelly married his second wife, and continued to live the extravagant lifestyle he so desperately desired. However, in 1984, based on the testimony of a key witness, Kelly was finally convicted of the first-degree murder of his wife, (allegedly by throwing her off the balcony of their luxury high-rise condo). But then a whole ten years later, the witness claimed she lied on the stand.
A white lawyer finds his values shaken when he is paired with an angry Indigenous activist who insists on kidnapping the head of a logging company to teach him the price of his destruction.