George Peirson

참여 작품

Joseph's Gift
Joseph is the youngest member of a large family that owns a successful garment business in Los Angeles. His father, Jacob, makes no attempt at hiding the fact that Joseph is his favorite son, resulting in the constant envy and resentment of his brothers. Eventually, in their bitterness, they plot revenge against this favored son. When Joseph accompanies his brothers on a trip to New York, they commit the ultimate betrayal, stranding him there, a virtual prisoner in a corrupt, modern-day sweat shop.
A young teenage girl tries to help a small, purple-colored, jive-talking alligator escape from the clutches of a greedy carnival owner as well as as assortment of various characters so he can be reunited with his owner.
Carnival of Wolves
Four men plan a robbery in a pub
Dragon Fury
Production Design
Mason, a dragon warrior from the future, returns to the year 1999 in search of a serum that can combat a disease simply known as "The Plague." In the post-apocalyptic world of 2099 -- after an earthquake has destroyed all of civilization has been -- "The Plague" is the deadliest menace of them all. And the cure for it lies in the past!
Drifting School
Production Design
A spy satellite has malfunctioned and is going to crash into the Earth. The US government bring on line a power laser. When the laser strikes the satellite, it causes a rip and time and sends Monroe High school 200 years into the future, including teachers, students and an escaping criminal. The students find themselves in a barren world, where they are set upon by the escaped criminal and a fierce monster.
가이버 2
Production Design
가이버라 불리우는 한 외계의 생명체가 숀 베이커(Sean Barker: 잭 와일드만 암스트롱 분)의 몸 속으로 침입해 들어온다. 비록 그는 자신의 몸 속에 들어있는 힘의 비밀을 이해하지 못하지만 그 힘은 오직 악에 맞서 싸울 때만 나타난다. 숀은 계속해서 가이버와 그 자신의 운명의 수수께끼를 푸는 과정에서 그가 참가한 유타주의 한 동굴탐사에서 우주선을 발견하고 그 동굴 속에 숨어있는 신비의 힘을 감지한 후 자신의 수수께끼를 풀기 시작한다. 그러나 불행히도 거기서 그는 가이버가 오래전 파괴하였던 사악한 외계인의 집단인 크로너스(Kronus) 집단을 만나게되고 그들에게 사로 잡히게 된다. 그들은 지구를 지배하기 위하여 숀의 힘을 빼앗고 그를 그들의 무리로 집어넣어 세계를 지배하는 힘을 주지만 그는 이미 그의 운명이 지구를 보호하는 것이지 파괴하는 것이 아님을 알고 있다. 가이버는 그의 초능력적인 힘을 사용하여 사악한 외계인들을 하나하나씩 무찌르면서 마침내 그보다도 훨씬 강력한 적수와 인류의 미래를 위하여 처절한 대결을 벌인다.
Frogtown II
Production Design
In the sequel to Hell Comes to Frogtown, the Mutant-Frog leader of Frogtown kidnaps a professor and forces him to make a serum that will turn everyone into Frogs, they also kidnap some people to test the serum on. And courageous Sam Hell will have to save them.
The Divine Enforcer
Production Design
A mysterious new priest comes to town to stay with fellow men of the cloth Erik Estrada, and Jan-Michael Vincent. Little do they know, this ferocious father possesses extraordinary martial arts skill, crucifix blades and a gold handgun with the cross on the handle. Soon, in this "bad" neighborhood, the priest begins cleaning up the local drug dealing scum-bags. Then he meets lunatic Don Stroud in the confessional, and Stroud claims to be the bloodsucking, skull stealing "vampire" serial killer ravaging the city. The priest encounters a young lass who has visions of Stroud committing his dastardly deeds, and when the vampire kidnaps her the priest speaks the words, "Open the gates of Hell! For I am the right hand of God!!!," and sets off towards his deadliest encounter yet.