Harald Guhn

참여 작품

Goodbye Fairyland
Music Arranger
After a coup in Fairyland, the pied piper took over political power. Many inhabitants saw no other choice but to flee, searching for asylum in Germany and trying to build an existance in their new homeland. Of course, that brings about friction. In a self-help group for persons with a fairytale background, they meet with like-minded people. They report their experiences and conflicts with integration and life in Germany. Despite all difficulties, our protagonists remain optimistic, attempting to integrate into German society and they shall live happily ever after.
트웬티나인 팜스
Sound Mixer
자동차로 여행을 하던 사진작가 데이빗과 실직자 카티아는 로스앤젤레스를 떠나 남캘리포니아 사막으로 여행을 떠난다. 트웬티나인 팜스 마을 모텔에 머물며 조슈아 트리 사막을 찾아다니는데, 길을 찾는 도중 말다툼이 벌어진다.