Nadja Schulz-Berlinghoff

Nadja Schulz-Berlinghoff

프로필 사진

Nadja Schulz-Berlinghoff

참여 작품

Das Duell - Selenskyj gegen Putin
Narrator (voice)
Selenskyj - Ein Präsident im Krieg
Narrator (voice)
Renoir - Porträt einer Zeitenwende
Narrator (voice)
Birkenstock – Die Freiheit trägt Sandale
How Holocaust came to Television
At the beginning of 1979, after more than 30 years of collective repression, a dramatized and emotional US television miniseries ensured that the German population was suddenly reminded of the terrible Nazi crimes against the Jews. What is now expressed with the hitherto unknown word Holocaust, hits many millions of people in the heart. The unexpected echo and the audience reactions were fierce. Even before the TV broadcast neo-Nazis blasted in vain transmitting towers in Germany to prevent this. From the creation and the shooting over the broadcast to the tremendous reactions, documentary filmmaker Alice Agneskirchner tells the story of this emotional television event, which led to a paradigm shift in the perception of German Nazi crimes.
The Proteom Code
Since 2003, human DNA has been completely decoded. Scientists are currently working on decoding all of the body's own proteins, the so-called Proteom code - this process is almost complete. From the results, medicine hopes new findings in the search for drugs against cancer, infections, and disease.
Die heimliche Revolution - Frauen in Saudi-Arabien
언틸 데스
Wet Nurse
안소니는 뼈속까지 부패하고 약과 술에 몸을 맡기고 사는 거친 경찰이다. 사랑하는 모든 사람들은 떠나고 홀로 남은 그는 갱단과 부패 경찰들의 음모에 빠져 죽음 직전에 이르는 사고를 당한다. 죽음 직전의 혼수 상태 속에서 자신을 돌아보게 된 안소니. 예전의 아름다운 추억을 일깨운 그는 다시 자신을 죽이려 드는 함정에 맞서 정면으로 격돌하게 되는데...