Axel Köhler

출생 : 1959-01-01,

참여 작품

마탄의 사수
정기적으로 열리는 사격대회에서 우승하면 지역 산림감독관의 딸, 아가테와 결혼함과 동시에 그 자리를 물려받게 된다. 아가테와 연인인 젊고 용감한 사냥꾼 막스는 대회에 참가하기로 결심하지만 어찌된 일인지 손이 말을 듣지 않아 목표물을 맞출 수 없게 된다. 대회가 가까워오자 불안해진 막스는 악마에게 영혼을 판 카스파르에게 악마의 탄환(마탄) 7개를 받아 모든 목표물을 명중시킨다. 그러나 마지막 7번째 탄환은 악마가 지목한 자를 쏘게 되는데...
Handel: Rinaldo
Ethereal music, a fairytale plot, beguiling sets and spectacular special effects all these combined to make Rinaldo in every sense the Baroque multimedia event par excellence. In his modern staging, producer David Alden has resorted to all kinds of magic tricks. The mourning Almirena, for example, is suspended like a paralysed mermaid in a neon-blue water tank for her aria Lascia ch'io pianga. Armida constantly struggles to make her obstinate pet Hydra see reason, and no expense is spared on the stylishly artistic dance interludes. The characters move in an ironic blend of Twenties look, trendy club scene and sacro' kitsch. Unsurprisingly, opera-goers were quick to latch onto such a glittering and star studded production. Indeed, there can be no doubt that the American David Daniels is the undisputed star of this Munich production, even alongside the other famous names on the cast list.
Handel: Admeto
Axel Kohler, the internationally renowned countertenor has brought Admeto into the modern era in timeless style by the skillful application of imaginative theatrical digressions. Köhler's production at the Halle Opernhaus revisits a work that encompasses comedy, tragedy and almost absurd grotesqueness, couching it in the convincing metaphor of a modern hospital.
Handel: Admeto
Oracle of Apollo (Voice)
Axel Kohler, the internationally renowned countertenor has brought Admeto into the modern era in timeless style by the skillful application of imaginative theatrical digressions. Köhler's production at the Halle Opernhaus revisits a work that encompasses comedy, tragedy and almost absurd grotesqueness, couching it in the convincing metaphor of a modern hospital.
L'Upupa & Der Triumph der Sohnesliebe
This production of Hans Werner Henze's opera Upupa & Der Triumph der Sohnesliebe features Laura Aiken, John Mark Ainsley, and Alfred Muff in lead roles. Markus Stenz conducts the Wiener Philharmoniker. Live at the Salzburg Festival 2003.
Rinaldo -  Bayerische Staatsoper
This modern interpretation of Georg Frederick Handel's opera focuses on Rinaldo's attempts to break free from enchantress Armida and reunite with his true love, Almirena. In addition to the live performance, the program also includes a Handel documentary, which explores the composer's career and many achievements.