Natalie Pelletier

Natalie Pelletier

프로필 사진

Natalie Pelletier

참여 작품

Ride in Progress
When the kind-hearted, semi-nerdy, and always-prepared Sarah gets blindsided by a breakup, she finds herself utterly alone, having spent the past four years neglecting every relationship other than the one with her loser boyfriend. She reaches out to the only person she can think of, her messy-but-loveable friend Megan and, together, they embark upon the post-breakup Uber trip of a lifetime.
A Dark Place
Alex, is a twenty-something struggling to put his life back together after past, reckless mistakes render his job search hopeless. While pressure at home mounts from his pregnant girlfriend, he runs into an old friend who changes his fortunes. Just when things are looking up, Alex discovers a secret that sends him into a self-destructive, downward spiral and brings his two best friends along with him.
지오 쓰나미
암흑물질을 동반한 유성이 갑자기 지구로 날아와 지구를 관통해 버리면서 전 세계는 거대한 지진과 화산 폭발, 토네이도와 같은 역사상 가장 큰 재난을 맞게 된다. 한편 LA에 사는 재혼 가족 맷과 아내 조하나 그리고 두 딸과 아들은 서로 떨어지게 된다. 가족들은 세계의 종말을 몰고 올 사건에 맞서며 다시 만나는 날까지 살아남기 위해 의지를 갖고 역경을 헤쳐 나간다.