Young Sarah
Follows Chris Daniels, a man who receives a call that his daughter has been kidnapped. The kidnappers demand that he completes a series of different missions to get her back, including one crucial direction to not hang up the phone.
Curly-Haired Girl
궤도를 이탈한 달이 지구를 향해 떨어지기 시작하면서 지구의 중력과 모든 물리적인 법칙이 붕괴된다. 거대한 해일과 지진, 화산폭발, 쓰나미와 이상기후까지 상상조차 불가능했던 모든 재난으로 전 세계는 공포와 혼란에 빠진다. 달과 충돌까지 남은 시간은 단 30일. NASA 연구원 파울러, 전직 우주 비행사 브라이언, 그리고 우주 덕후 KC는 달을 막을 방법을 찾기 위해 마지막 우주선에 오른다.
A magical Christmas wish makes a career-obsessed June say yes to every invitation while she's home for the holidays. But when an old flame, Blake, joins her hectic schedule of Christmas activities, past feelings are reignited. June must choose between saying yes to her career and life in the city or to her heart in her hometown.
갑자기 실직한 도서관 사서 테일러 해리스는 고향 몬태나의 작은 마을로 돌아온다. 그곳에서 조그마한 호텔을 운영하는 테일러의 동생은 자신의 호텔을 사들여 뜯어고치려는 거물 조엘 시핸에게 맞서 호텔을 지키려 하고, 테일러 역시 동생을 돕는다. 그런데 테일러가 조엘에게 마음을 빼앗기면서 상황이 복잡해진다.
Lizzie, a high-end event planner, lies awake nightly while her devoted fiancé Josh rests peacefully. When a sleep-deprived incident causes her to run into Billy, a low-key bartender who is just as sleepless and frustrated as she is, they discover that they can only fall asleep while next to each other.
The thing that waits under your bed, hides in the closet, stalks your dreams… is waiting for you. At least Emma Wright knew that at the age of 7 when she was wrongly accused of murdering her sister. Emma knew it was the Stickman. After years of isolation she finally has her demons under control and is released.