Dharmapriya Dias

Dharmapriya Dias


Dharmapriya Dias is an actor in Sri Lankan cinema, stage drama and television. And a professional dubbing artist since 1995. Dias has titles such as playwright, actor, set designer, choreographer, teacher of art and has a master's degree in theatre and drama.

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Dharmapriya Dias

참여 작품

The theme of the movie is ‘Colombo is not a city, but a lifestyle’. This movie revolves around the reality in Colombo life. The core of the film is about realizing that even the toughest people involved in various wrongdoings have a good side to them. They are also human with soft hearts.
The Newspaper
A small poor family in a remote village at dry zone who faced a series of miseries due to a wrong news report published in the national media stating that their son is involved in a suicide bomb blast carried by L.T.T.E terrorists.
A renowned filmmaker receives a mysterious call from an old college mate in the middle of the night. Asandhimitta, whom he recalls as a large and voluptuous woman, asks him to make a film based on her life. She then confesses that she was recently involved in a triple homicide of three women and is taken into custody shortly afterwards. Intrigued, the filmmaker attempts to piece together her fragmented story for a film while Asandhimitta herself awaits her fate in a local prison.
Lt. Dias
Two lovers, Yoga and Parvathi, meet on the battlefield of the Sri Lankan civil war. As the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam attack the Sri Lankan army and tighten their grip on the Tamil people, Yoga and Parvathi struggle with feelings for each other and their own commitments to the LTTE. Parvathi's family is relocated to a concentration camp and Yoga is sent on a mission to Colombo by a jealous LTTE commander. But they soon meet again in battle and Parvathi becomes pregnant with Yoga's child. In the final days of the war, the Sri Lankan army closes in on the LTTE and rescues the Tamil refugees, and the lovers desperately flee the army and the LTTE for the sake of their baby.
리랑카의 두 청년 마노즈와 스탠리. 가난한 고국을 벗어나 서양에서 일자리를 잡고 새로운 삶을 시작하고 싶지만, 그들이 할 수 있는 건 매번 거절당하는 비자 신청에 서로를 위로하는 것뿐이다. 그러던 어느 날, 두 사람은 독일 바바리아에서 열리는 국제 핸드볼 대회의 초청장을 우연히 발견하고, 친구와 동료 들을 끌어모아 참가신청서를 제출한다. 마침내 스리랑카 핸드볼 국가대표가 된 마노즈와 친구들. 독일 공항에 도착하자마자 각자 흩어질 계획을 세우는 그들은 끝을 알 수 없는 여정을 위해 마침내 비행기에 오른다.
Red Butterfly Dream
Three of the four decades of my life have been spent in the midst of a tragic social transition in Sri Lankan history. Two militant uprisings, one by the Sinhalese and the other by the Tamils, claimed hundreds of thousands of lives.