바닷가의 호화 대저택, 평범한 젊은 여성이 자신이 이상한 가족과 함께 있다는 걸 깨닫는다. 대단히 부유하면서도 알려져 있지 않은 자신의 아버지와 그의 사치스러운 아내, 딸, 야심으로 가득 찬 여성, 반항적인 십 대, 그리고 오싹한 하녀. 누군가는 거짓을 말하고 있다. 의심과 노골적인 거짓말, 미스터리는 점점 커져만 간다. 악이 숨어 있다.
Earning a Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award in 1993, subsequently adapted for television and opera, "Angels in America" stages American society of the Reagan years, mixing intimate stories and political events, realism and the fantastical while following the dark narrative thread of the AIDS epidemic. This was the disease that, in 1986, ended the life of Roy Cohn, an unscrupulous lawyer who was a disciple of McCarthy, a homophobe, racist, “bully, coward and victim” as described on the Washington Memorial Quilt. Kushner makes him one of the twenty-three characters – played by eight actors – of his Gay Fantasia on National Themes divided into two parts: "Millennium Approaches" and "Perestroika". The setting is New York between 1985 and 1990. The Republicans are in power, the Chernobyl catastrophe is imminent, the collapse of the Berlin Wall is about to overturn cold war politics and HIV, still synonymous with certain death, is reduced to the definition of homosexual cancer.
Paris, summer 2020. Actors from “la Comédie-Française”, France’s most prestigious theater, rehearse Christophe Honoré’s new play, an adaptation of Marcel Proust’s “The Guermantes Way”. When the show is suddenly canceled, the drama group decides to go ahead with it anyway, in the name of art and for the joy of acting together.
La Marquise
Le Petit-Maître corrigé is a three-act romantic comedy by French playwright Marivaux. It was first performed on November 6, 1734, by the Comédie-Française in Paris. In this production Clément Hervieu-Léger makes the eighteenth century resonate with our era, all the more so given that the language is “simpler than in other Marivaux plays, while still as refined, precise and full of humour”. The story is that of a young Parisian whose parents have found a good match for him, a count’s daughter. But when he goes to visit her in her country home, the handsome boy – whose Parisian manners are far removed from the rules of decorum that reign in the provinces – cannot open his heart to his lovely intended. Stung, the latter decides to punish his arrogance while a former lover arrives to prevent the marriage. Between the alliance of master and manservant, and the complicity of mistress and maid, a romantic intrigue ensues full of light-hearted conspiracies and feverish emotions.
Docteur Challes
“벤, 수술은 성공적이었어” 세상 무서울 것 없이 패기 넘치던 청년 ‘벤’ 어느 날, 예기치 못한 사고로 인해 혼자서는 아무것도 할 수 없게 된다. “내 집이라 생각해, 신입” 인생 최대 위기 속 다시 운동을 시작하겠다는 의지로 찾아간 재활치료센터에는‘벤’을 당혹스럽게 만드는 개성만점 친구들이 가득한데...
Lucie Moret
It all starts at daybreak, three young surfers on the raging seas. A few hours later, on the way home, an accident occurs. Now entirely hooked up to life-support in a hospital in Le Havre, Simon’s existence is little more than an illusion. Meanwhile, in Paris, a woman awaits the organ transplant that will give her a new lease on life.
Madame Gagnebin
The new film from Lebanese director Danielle Arbid follows a young Arab immigrant in Paris, whose encounters with three men reveal different facets of her new country, and of herself.
1959. Guilty of a double-murder, a man is beheaded. At the bottom of the basket that just welcomed it, the head of the dead man tells his story: everything was going so well! Admired priest, great lover - his earthly paradise seemed to have no end. Inspired by a scandal surrounding the Priest of Uruffe in the 1950s.
Alexandra David-Néel
1915. Louis, aged 17, arrives on Reunion Island to find his father, Count Kerdiguen. He has built himself a new family with Salima, his native partner, and their daughter Sita. Between the white and native communities, tensions are increasingly mounting...
Jeanne (voice)
고양이 '디노'는 이중생활을 한다. 낮에는 실어증에 걸린 소녀 ‘조이’의 집에서 느긋하게 지내고, 밤에는 의로운 도둑 ‘니코’와 함께 밤일을 한다. 조이는 아버지가 ‘코스타’라는 갱단의 두목으로부터 살해 당한 이후로 말을 잃어버린 어린 여자 아이다. 그녀의 어머니 ‘잔느’는 경찰이다. 코스타 일행을 소탕하기 위해 슬퍼할 겨를도 없다. 한편 니코는 신출귀몰한 능력으로 부자들의 보물을 훔친다. 어느 날 밤 조이는 고양이 디노가 밤마다 어딜 가는지 알아보기 위해 뒤를 쫓는다. 디노가 니코의 집까지 가서 그와 함께 지붕을 타고 사라진 후에야 다시 집으로 돌아오는데, 도중에 코스타 일당의 범죄 계획을 몰래 엿듣게 된다. 그런데 일당 중에 익숙한 목소리가 들리자 조이는 깜짝 놀라고, 그만 악당들한테 발각되고 만다. 바로 조이의 보모가 갱단의 일행이었던 것이다. 이제 조이와 갱들의 추격전이 펼쳐지고 조이가 위기에 처했을 때 니코가 나타나 도와준다. 조이와 니코, 그리고 디노는 코스타 일당의 추격을 물리치고자 필사적으로 도망치며 파리의 밤, 지붕을 타고 스펙터클한 추격전이 펼쳐진다.
Celeste Scriwaneck
Alexandre Dumas, at the height of his career, takes Auguste Maquet, his chief literary collaborator or 'ghost writer' ten years his junior, to meet a young unknown admirer, Charlotte Desrives. The two men are at the summit of their artistic collaboration for they have just published "The Count of Monte Christo", "Queen Margot" and "The Three Musketeers". If it's Maquet who writes the majority of the texts, both the honours and fame go to Dumas.
Gilberte Bérégovoy
Anne-Marie Meier
Anne-Marie has a peaceful break-up with her boyfriend Alex, whom she doesn't love anymore. However, upon learning that another woman has come into his life, she becomes insanely jealous...
When Ahab's mother dies in childbirth, the infant's gruff father places his son in the care of his pious aunt. It is Rose who sparks the imagination of the young boy by teaching him to read the Bible, though when Ahab is reclaimed by his father a decade later the growing boy strives to become a hunter like his old man. Later, after Ahab warms to his father's lover Louise, the old man dies and the boy is sent back to his God-fearing aunt. Rejecting Rose and her abusive husband Henry's unforginv brand of discipline and infuriated that his aunt confiscated the locket given to him by Louise, young Ahab boldly stages his own kidnapping as an ingenious escape plan.
A man endeavors to collect memories of his grandparents who died in a concentration camp during the Holocaust.
Portrait of a homosexual bohemian who converted from Judaism to Catholicism and was captured by the Gestapo in the 1940s.
Florence Duhaut
A group of college students are duped by a charming pathological liar.
Clémence Durrieux
François Durrieux, a man in his forties, married to Clémence and father of Benjamin, has been employed for years by the firm DSBO. In order not to lose his job, he always submits to his boss's demands whether it means working after office hours, canceling planned holidays or harming his family life. However, when one night, Simon Lacaze, his best friend and colleague, commits suicide just after being fired ignominiously, François rebels...
Baroness Duverger
Lucette and Edouard: Two lovers passionate about sex, money and life. He is a spoiled but penniless child who wants it all while she is a celebrated figure of la vie parisienne who knows what she wants and what she is worth. Edouard is marrying a young, pretty and rich heiress. He comes to confess this to Lucette and to make their parting official, but he doesn’t want to leave her. He struggles with all his might to hide his betrayal but her opportunities to learn of it are countless and unpredictable.
Agnès Manise
Après quinze ans passés derrière les barreaux, Bruno, qui prône la révolution prolétarienne, s'évade. Ce dernier veut continuer la lutte, faire sortir ses camarades de prison, libérer les masses du joug capitaliste. Tous ses anciens alliés n'y croient plus, même Jeanne qui s'est mariée et a maintenant des enfants.
An unexpected phone call from a certain Kirsch sets off a crisis between Catherine and Raphaël that will affect all those around them, be they close friends or casual acquaintances.
Soeur Augustine
Agnès Manise
The final installment in director Lucas Belvaux's trilogy follows Pascal, a cop who sees a return to credibility in the capture of escaped convict Bruno--who in turn is harbored by Pascal's morphine-addicted wife Agnes. Pascal's already precarious ties to Agnes are strained further when he meets and falls for her fellow schoolteacher friend Cecile. With Pascal focused on Bruno and Cecile, Agnes is forced to find a fix on her own.
A woman, concerned by her husband's eccentric behavior, hires a detective to follow his every move -- which yields unexpected results.
Algeria, 1903. Just after the trial of the insurgents in Margueritte, a village where seven Europeans were killed, Eugénia commits suicide despite the amorous passion that she feels for her husband, the French lawyer of these insurgents.
Françoise Barnier
Françoise Barnier, the film's heroine, is a mother. One day, she stole something. She was in dire straits but no more so than usual. She was not in debt. She had always refused the degradation of excessive debt and charities, attempting to live in line with the rules laid down by society and the law. We follow her journey through the judicial institution. Here, two ideas of justice and law collide.
Jacques Laurent made pornographic films in the 1970s and '80s, but had put that aside for 20 years. His artistic ideas, born of the '60s counter-culture, had elevated the entire genre. Older and paunchier, he is now directing a porno again. Jacques's artistry clashes with his financially-troubled producer's ideas about shooting hard-core sex. Jacques has been estranged from his son Joseph for years, since the son first learned the nature of the family business. They are now speaking again. Joseph and his friends want to recapture the idealism of 1968 with a protest. Separated from his wife, Jacques strives for personal renewal with plans to build a new house by himself...
A woman, scared by motherhood and her new born baby, runs away from her home and family to find a shelter at her upstairs neighbour's place.
Olympe de Cardeauville
The year is 1898. Héloïse, 9 years old, comes from a family belonging to the anti-Dreyfus and anti-Semitic Parisian high bourgeoisie. In a spirit of revolt, she begins a love affair with Maxime, a young Jewish journalist. During a terrible quarrel with her father, the latter suffers a stroke and dies. To get her away from Maxime, her mother Mathilde and her cousin Olympe take Héloïse on a trip to the Orient. After Cairo and the Pyramids, they go up the Nile and cross the desert in a caravan.
An exhausted militant wants to take a break from the incessant frenzy surrounding him. His country’s dictatorship is on its last legs and chaos reigns. His wife Sylvie leaves their country for France. She writes about the new democracy struggling to be born back home. His daughter Joyce must hide out in the deserted childhood home in the solitude and infinity of the Black Beach. Several adversaries – the militia of a hazy regime in his native land and the Paris police – wage a strange game of chess in which he is the pawn. Threats abound and he’s haunted by his past, his fears, dead friends. He has three allies: his wife, his daughter, and an old girlfriend from his fighting days.
A woman remains in an airport after her husband announces he wants a divorce, just before they are to board a plane for Argentina. Unwilling to turn to her sister and emotionally traumatized she makes the airport her home, making money by working as a prostitute. She strikes up a friendship with a café worker Marco.....
La femme de Michel Piccoli
Les Acteurs is the absurd story of Jean-Pierre Marielle desperately waiting for a cup of hot water, the story of a conspiracy against actors, the story of aging actors whose careers are slowly less active than they used to be, but a stunning tribute to French actors and their cinema.
This fictionalized story, based on the family life of writer James Jones, is an emotional slice-of-life story. Jones is portrayed here portrayed as Bill Willis, a former war hero turned author who combats alcoholism and is starting to experience health problems. Living in France with his wife, daughter, and an adopted son, the family travels an unconventional road which casts them as outsiders to others. Preaching a sexual freedom, his daughter's sexual discovery begins at an early age and betrays her when the family moves to Hanover in America. Her overt sexuality clashes with the values of her teenage American peers and gives her a problematic reputation. Meanwhile, her brooding brother copes with his own interior pain regarding his past, only comfortable communicating within the domestic space.
Friends of a recently painter Jean-Baptiste Emmerich gather at a Paris railroad station for a four-hour journey to Limoges, where Emmerich wanted to be buried. The dozen travelers include art historian François and his lover Louis, who develops an interest in Bruno, whom he meets on a train. Traveling parallel with the train is a station wagon with Jean-Baptiste's body, and this vehicle is driven by Thierry, husband of Catherine, who's on the train with their daughter. François plays a taped interview with Jean-Baptiste, revealing his sexual appeal to both men and women. Lucie is convinced that she was his main love. Also on board is his nephew, Jean-Marie and Jean-Marie's estranged wife Claire. After the funeral in "Europe's largest cemetery," the story continues in the mansion of Jean-Baptiste's brother Lucien.
A trucker, an accountant, a former plumber hospitalised after a suicide attempt... Presided over by the accountant, the three families decide to buy a truck, a trucker's dream. The father, practical joker, and larger-than-life lover, keeps a watchful eye. The children are his accomplices. One is his heroine. His daughter is his other heroine. A puzzle of life's desires in which all veers into the imaginary, into dreams of far-off lands.
When 12-year-old Tonin's teacher announces that he is looking for volunteers to house one of several orphan African refugees for a month during their visit to Paris, the exuberent, well-meaning youth immediately offers his own abode. His classmates cheer and he feels happy until he broaches the subject with his parents. Daniel, the boy's father is delighted by his son's humanitarianism, but still says no. Not wanting to lose face at school, Tonin decides to take the visitor anyway and just keep him hidden for the next few weeks. This family-oriented French comedy follows his efforts to keep his new African guest, Moussa, a secret.
Isabelle Rimbaud
랭보는 16세 때 11살 연상의 베를렌느를 만난다. 랭보는 당시 상류사회의 모순을 민감하게 느끼고 직설적이고 파괴적인 방식으로 저항하는 성격을 가지고 있다. 반면 베를렌느는 랭보와 비슷한 생각을 하면서도 속으로만 가슴을 앓던 온유한 인물이다. 베를렌느는 천부적인 시적 재능과 자신이 갖지 못한 열정을 가진 랭보에게 반해, 아내와 자식까지 버리고 랭보와 함께 유랑생활을 한다. 랭보는 베를렌느의 유약함을 조롱하면서도 자신의 어떤 투정도 다 받아들이는 그의 따뜻함에 집착한다. 그러나 이들의 관계는 한 방의 총성으로 마감된다. 베를렌느는 자신을 떠나겠다는 랭보에게 배신감을 느낀 나머지 권총을 쏘아 부상을 입힌 혐의로 2년형을 선고받는다. 이후 랭보는 절필하고 아프리카를 방랑하다 37세에 숨을 거둔다. 그러나 베를렌느는 랭보와의 기억을 "나의 가장 빛나는 죄악"이라고 회상한다.
Françoise d'Aubigné, Marquise de Maintenon
The man is seated in the compartment. Alone, he speaks to Lise through his memory. He goes towards the sea. It’s the goal of the travel. There in this big house with a view on the waves, despite Lise not being there, despite her death, he sees her, he is with her.
Henriette de Nevers
1572년, 10년째 계속된 신교와 구교의 전쟁으로 피폐해진 프랑스. 평화를 위해 구교도인 ‘샤를 9세’의 동생 ‘마고’는 신교도인 나바르 왕 ‘앙리’와 결혼하게 된다. 평화와 화해의 상징이 되어야 했던 ‘마고’의 결혼식은 ‘샤를 9세’의 잘못된 판단으로 인해 프랑스 역사상 가장 잔인한 대학살로 이어진다. 대학살이 일어났던 그 날, ‘마고’는 길에서 우연히 마주쳤던 ‘라 몰’을 구해주고, 그와 운명적인 사랑에 빠진다. 구교도 세력과 왕실에 환멸은 느낀 ‘마고’는 남편 ‘앙리’를 도와 신교도 편에 서고, ‘마고’의 도움으로 프랑스를 탈출했던 ‘라 몰’은 ‘마고’와 ‘앙리’를 탈출시키기 위해 병력을 이끌고 다시 프랑스로 돌아오는데…
Zena (Dominique Blanc) lost her parents as a very young girl, and though she was born in Albania, only knows about life in Paris. She was raised by her uncle Selman (Sulejman Pitarka), whom she is about to leave behind in order to start a new life in New York. Just before she leave, however, she hears of an Albanian who is being detained by French authorities for want of the proper paperwork. Ordinarily, that would not capture her attention. However, Vladimir (Timo Flloko), who is the man in question, claims to have information that Zena's father is not dead, and could be located. Zena postpones her trip to speak with Vladimir and, once he is free to travel, they begin to try and explore his information. There is only one problem in their traveling around France together: he doesn't speak a word of French, and she doesn't speak a word of Albanian. Somehow, they manage to communicate, and they eventually become lovers.
Mathilde (Dominique Blanc) has had a number of children, but is still an attractive woman. One day her husband simply picks up and leaves without any explanation whatever. At about the same time, she is involved at an accident at her workplace which makes her strongly aware of the passage of time. Can she once more know the love of a man? She has enough suitors: Charlie, though dull, has been in love with her since she could remember; Jacques is the father of one of her children; Mano has moved to the north of France from Spain, and wants to refurbish her house for her. Without rushing, she carefully considers each man (and her absent husband) in the context of her life, what she wants from it, and what is possible.
엘리안느 드브리(Eliane Devries: 까뜨린느 드뇌브 분)는 인도차이나에서 태어난 프랑스인으로 농장에서 라텍스 나무를 키우며 소일하는데, 그곳에는 안남의 황녀였으나 사고로 부모를 잃은 까미유(Camille: 린 당 팜 분)가 양녀로 있었다. 엘리안느는 그녀에게 프랑스 상류 사회식 교육을 시키고 남다른 애정을 베푼다. 그후 프랑스의 해군장교 장 밥띠스뜨(Jean-Baptiste Le Guen: 뱅상 페레 분)는 야망을 갖고 사이공에 오는데 우연히 엘리안느와 만나 뜨거운 관계로 발전한다. 그러나 운명의 장난인지 까미유도 장을 연모하게 된다. 이 사실을 알게 된 엘리안느는 까미유를 서둘러 친족과 결혼시키려고 하나 까미유는 이를 뿌리치고 장을 찾아간다. 그러나 우연한 사건에 말려들어 까미유는 프랑스 장교를 살해하게 되고 유랑 극단에 합류해 피신 생활을 한다. 세상은 혁명의 열기로 달아오르고 이 두 사람은 프랑스군의 추적을 당하게 된다. 혼돈의 역사 속에서 까미유는 장의 아들을 낳게 되고, 장과 엘리안느는 사랑하기 때문에 모든 것을 용서할 수 있다는 마음 가짐으로 다시 한번 운명적인 만남을 갖게 된다.
In this earnest drama, a rural schoolteacher who has become a strong advocate for ecological awareness and is a committed opponent of hunting in the local swamp becomes romantically embroiled with a single mother who has returned to her birthplace since just before her boy (now nine years old) was born. Despite some hard feelings from the adult population of the town (who are very pro-hunting), the teacher's romance progresses smoothly until he learns that his girlfriend's brother stuffs and mounts specimens of endangered species.
Guillaume de Burlador is a private tutor who hits a low point sufficiently severe for him to contemplate a somewhat theatrical suicide. Instead he is taken off by flying boat to a mad French colonial possession bedecked by mad servants and crazy decor. Three educated and rather gorgeous women live there, and they hire him to tutor a young teenager, but more with plans to seduce him in mind.
An eccentric family is re-united during the 1968 general strike in France, after the death of the grandmother.
Jacqueline Leroux
WW2: in an occupied France, a young Jewish girl wants to become a movie star.
Madame Vernet
Thomas, the son of a millionaire lives a fairly isolated existence, in a mansion in rural France. His father hires a widowed woman to take care of things while he is away. The maid's son, Charles moves in as well, and the two parents hope that the two can become friends but they become enemies immediately after meeting each other. Once their parents fall in love, Thomas decides to make Charles, who he views as an "invader", as miserable as possible.
나치 점령기의 프랑스 북부의 어느 마을에 사는 마리는 독일에 포로로 잡혀간 남편 폴을 기다리며 두 아이의 어머니로서 근근이 생계를 꾸려간다. 마을에는 군인으로 징집되거나 포로로 잡혀간 남편 대신 독일 점령군과 정을 통하며 외로움을 달랜 여성들의 원치 않는 임신이 늘어난다. 마리는 우연한 기회에 이웃 여인 지네트의 낙태를 도와주고 그 보답으로 축음기를 받은 것을 계기로 불법 낙태 시술을 본격적인 돈벌이 수단으로 이용하기 시작한다. 뿐만 아니라 매춘부 뤼시에게 자기 집의 방 한 칸을 빌려주고 손님을 맞이하게도 한다. 그러는 가운데 뤼시의 고객으로 알게 된 청년 뤼시앙의 구애에 넘어가 불륜까지 저지른다.
한편 그 사이 수용소에서 풀려나 집으로 돌아온 남편 폴에게 마리는 이미 아무런 애정도 없는 상태이다. 폴은 아내의 행동에서 수상한 낌새를 채고는 아들에게 아내의 일상을 캐물어 어렴풋이나마 사태를 파악하지만 실업자 신세인 그의 처지로서는 집안에서 목소리를 높이기도 어려울뿐더러 아내를 압박할 명분도 미흡하다. 그러나 얼마 후 뤼시앙과 아내가 함께 있는 모습을 목격한 후 복수를 결심하고, 아내의 행각을 고발하는 편지를 경시청에 보낸다. 이런 사실도 모른 채 오랜 꿈인 가수가 되기 위해 가창 레슨을 받으러 다니던 마리는 경찰에 체포된다. 파리 최고재판소로 이송된 마리는 반국가적인 범죄를 저질렀다는 이유로 사형선고를 받고 단두대에서 처형된다.
Colin and Mailland are small-time crooks on the run who are surprised to find the seven-year-old runaway Savannah is along for the ride. The police and her parents fear she has been kidnapped, and a massive manhunt is launched with orders to shoot to kill the alleged perpetrators. The lovable little girl soon melts the hearts of the crooks, as the trio enjoy an unlikely but sentimental friendship.
슈퍼마켓 체인을 경영하는 집안의 외아들인 마르시알은 우울증으로 요양소에서 얼마간 지낸 뒤 퇴원한다. 아내와도 이혼 일보직전인데다가 자신이 관여하는 회사업무에도 큰 흥미를 느끼지 못하는 그의 일상생활 복귀를 돕기 위해 회사 경영주인 어머니는 그에게 색다른 임무를 맡긴다. 실적이 저조한 지방도시 지점 다섯 곳을 닷새 동안 돌며 회계감사를 실시하는 것이다. 첫 행선지인 리모주 지점에서 마르시알은 장부에서 수상한 점들을 발견한다. 그는 하루에 한 곳씩 예정된 방문 일정을 무시하고 아예 시내에 아파트를 장기로 임대하여 머무르면서 지점장인 퐁프랭을 압박하고 마침내 그가 저지른 부정을 알아낸다.
At Théobald, it’s not Louise who wears the pants. And for good reason: she just lost hers in public! The court official already feels shamed and does not hesitate to blame his half. However, this little female neglect will bring him much more than he thinks.
Adele Natter
The Distant Land (German: Das weite Land) is a 1987 Austrian-German drama film directed by Luc Bondy. It was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1987 Cannes Film Festival. Based on a play by Arthur Schnitzler, which is generally referred to in English as The Vast Domain and was also adapted by Tom Stoppard as Undiscovered Country.
Simon, a famous violinist, sinks into alcoholism. He finds support from his lover, who is also the manager of the orchestra in which he plays. But is she really helping him or is she exploiting his dependence on her? A man who has been through the same experience as Simon, offers to help him...
The Wife (voice)
During World War II a French Jewish family is deported to Auschwitz. On the train to the death camp, in a desperate gesture, the father throws one of his twins out into the snow, where he’s discovered by a childless Polish couple.