Inspired by the classic tale of Peter Pan, The Lost Girls chronicles four generations of Darling women as they struggle in the aftermath of their adventures with Peter Pan in Neverland. Like her grandmother and her mother Jane before her, Wendy must escape Pan’s hold on her and the promise he desperately wants her to keep. As her daughter Berry comes into Peter’s orbit, Wendy must fight to save her relationship with her daughter while reconciling her legacy.
어린시절 추억이 담긴 해안으로 겨울 다이빙을 떠난 이다와 투나. 아름다운 심해에서 스쿠버 다이빙을 즐기던 중, 갑작스러운 사고로 동생 투나가 수심 33미터 바다 아래에 갇히고 만다. 외부와 연락은 끊기고, 공기통 여분도 남지 않은 상황, 산소가 바닥나기 전에 동생을 살려야 한다!
The stand-up concert of the Russian comedian Danila Poperechny, recorded in April 2018 in Moscow. A comedian discusses presidential elections, gadgets, schoolchildren, his personal life and other topics.
It has been five years since Nina's daughter went missing and only during the cigarette breaks do we get to follow her hunt for the perpetrator as she returns to Montenegro for one last time. A revenge told in 20 cigarettes.
A drama shot in 5 hours and 17 minutes, exactly the time it takes to travel by rail from Malmö to Stockholm. It's mid-winter. On a train a man and a woman end up in the same compartment. They have a typical conversation between strangers until they discover they are going to the same wedding. It's unimportant whether they got an invitation or are going uninvited. The important thing is that both have plenty of reasons to stop the wedding… It soon turns out that they share not only the same goal but also painful memories and romantic disappointments. This brings them closer together.
The young composer works as a piano tuner. In order to tune the piano, silence is needed, but in the apartment where he was invited, the sounds live their lives creating their own music.