Stunt Coordinator
로우라는 과부가 레인을 고용하여 남편이 숨겨놓은 금괴를 찾으러 간다. 그녀의 남편이 열차강도를 하여 금괴를 숨겨 놓고 사망했고 그 장소는 미망인인 로우 부인만이 안다는 것이다. 이 소문을 듣고 서부 전역에서 불량스러운 집단들이 이 금괴 찾기 작전에 돌입한 레인 일당의 뒤를 쫓는데... (채널 더 무비)
Second Unit Director
로우라는 과부가 레인을 고용하여 남편이 숨겨놓은 금괴를 찾으러 간다. 그녀의 남편이 열차강도를 하여 금괴를 숨겨 놓고 사망했고 그 장소는 미망인인 로우 부인만이 안다는 것이다. 이 소문을 듣고 서부 전역에서 불량스러운 집단들이 이 금괴 찾기 작전에 돌입한 레인 일당의 뒤를 쫓는데... (채널 더 무비)
존 웨인과 커크 더글러스가 출연하는 추억의 서부극. 원작소설을 영화화한 것이다. 가출옥한 타우 잭슨은 뉴멕시코의 고향으로 돌아온다. 잭슨은 자신을 형무소에 보내고 그 사이에 토지와 금광을 빼앗은 피어스 일당에게 복수하기 위해 돌아온 것. 피어스는 상금 1만달러로, 잭슨을 살해하도록 로맥스에게 의뢰하지만 그는 대답을 하지 않는다. 잭슨과 로맥스는 피어스가 사금을 옮기는 마차를 습격해 탈취할 계획을 진행하고 있었던 것이다.
Outrider (uncredited)
존 웨인과 커크 더글러스가 출연하는 추억의 서부극. 원작소설을 영화화한 것이다. 가출옥한 타우 잭슨은 뉴멕시코의 고향으로 돌아온다. 잭슨은 자신을 형무소에 보내고 그 사이에 토지와 금광을 빼앗은 피어스 일당에게 복수하기 위해 돌아온 것. 피어스는 상금 1만달러로, 잭슨을 살해하도록 로맥스에게 의뢰하지만 그는 대답을 하지 않는다. 잭슨과 로맥스는 피어스가 사금을 옮기는 마차를 습격해 탈취할 계획을 진행하고 있었던 것이다.
Second Unit Director
This is the story of the shy Mongol boy Temujin who,during the 13th century, becomes the fearless Mongol leader Genghis Khan that unites all Mongol tribes and conquers India,China,Persia,Korea and parts of Rusia,Europe and Middle-East.
Trooper (uncredited)
남북 전쟁이 끝나갈 즈음 뉴 멕시코의 한 요새에 고립된 던디 소령. 남군 포로들과 죄수들 관리가 주업무인 던디 소령에게 큰 시련이 닥친다. 아파치 인디언들이 기병대를 몰살한 뒤 여자와 아이들을 멕시코로 데려 가는 것이다. 부대의 인원으로는 추적은 물론 전투도 불가능한 상태. 마침내 죄수와 포로들은 자유를 조건으로 던디 소령과 함께 아파치에 대항하여 장렬한 전투를 치르게 되는데...
Technical Advisor
Ageing, wealthy, rancher and self-made man, George Washington McLintock is forced to deal with numerous personal and professional problems. Seemingly everyone wants a piece of his enormous farmstead, including high-ranking government men, McLintock's own sons and nearby Native Americans. As McLintock tries to juggle his various adversaries, his wife—who left him two years previously—suddenly returns. But she isn't interested in George; she wants custody of their daughter.
Second Unit Director
폴란드가 터키의 침공을 받자, 폴란드에 인접한 기마족 코사크는 폴란드와의 동맹국으로서 전쟁에 참여한다. 하지만 폴란드가 배신하자, 코사크족은 대초원을 되찾기 위한 재기와 복수를 다짐한다. 이들 중 한 사람인 용맹한 용사 타라스 부리바는 이즈음 아들 안드레이를 낳고 용감한 용사로 키우려한다. 청년으로 성장한 안드레이는 아버지의 뜻에 따라 학문을 배우기 위해 동생과 폴란드의 학교에 들어간다. 코사크라는 이유로 많은 배척을 받던 안드레이는 폴란드의 귀족 처녀 나탈리아를 보고 한 눈에 반한다. 두 사람이 사랑하는 사이가 되자, 이를 시기한 나탈리아의 애인인 알렉스 대위를 살해하게 되고 안드레이와 그의 동생은 탈출을 감행하여 2년만에 초원의 집으로 돌아온다. 타라스는 폴란드 제국과의 동맹 협정으로 전쟁을 반대하고 있는 족장 니콜라스를 물리치고 진군한다. 마침내 폴란드와 코사크와의 대규모 전쟁이 시작되는데, 타라스가 지휘하는 코사크는 폴란드군을 제압하고 드브르 성을 포위한다. 부상을 치료한 안드레이는 성안에 있는 나탈리아를 만나기 위해 어둠을 틈타 성안에 잠입하여 안드레이와 재회하지만, 결국 함께 잡히고 만다. 나탈리아가 화형에 처할 위기를 맞자 안드레이는 그녀를 구할 조건으로 성밖의 소떼를 끌고 올 것을 약속한다. 하지만 아버지 타라스와 마주친 안드레이는 결국 총을 맞고 쓰러진다. 이때 폴란드군은 총공격을 감행하자, 코사크는 이를 무찌르고 큰 희생 끝에 승리한다. 나탈리아는 들판에 쓰러져 있는 안드레이의 시신을 발견하고는 슬퍼한다.
Soldier (uncredited)
트라키아 출신의 노예 스팔타커스(커크 더글러스)는 검투사를 훈련하는 바티아투스(피터 유스티노프)에게 팔려가게 된다. 경기장에서 훈련을 받던 스팔타커스는 동료 검투사를 이끌고 반란을 주도한다. 반란은 마을에서 마을로 퍼져가고 도망친 노예들이 합류하며 커다란 세력이 된다. 노예들은 스팔타커스를 따라 바다 건너 고향으로 돌아가기 위해 남하를 계속한다. 한편 수도 로마에서는 대립하는 두 원로원이 반란군을 각기 자신의 정치적인 입지를 강화하는 데 이용하려 한다.
The Lubian (uncredited)
서기 26년, 로마 제국 시대 유다 벤허(찰톤 헤스톤)는 예루살렘의 제일 가는 유태 귀족이다. 어느 날 로마의 지배하에 있던 이스라엘에 새로운 총독이 부임해오고, 그를 보좌하는 주둔 사령관으로 벤허의 옛 친구인 멧살라(스티븐 보이드)가 임명된다. 그러나, 어린 시절과는 달리 로마와 이스라엘이라는 적대적인 상황에 의해 둘 사이의 우정에 금이 가게 되고, 신임 총독의 부임 축하 행진 중 벤허의 여동생 티자(캐시 오도넬)의 실수로 총독이 부상을 당하는 사건이 발생한다. 멧살라는 유다의 계획적인 범행으로 몰아 벤허 가족을 잡아들이고, 벤허는 모든 것을 잃은 채 노예로 팔려가게 되는데...
Jury Foreman
An American gunslinger kills a Mexican man in California immediately after the Mexican-American war. The killer is arrested and put on trial for murder with the Hispanic population waiting to learn of American justice.
Byron Turner, a 15-year-old runaway from the Eatondale Orphan Asylum, receives a ride into the rural Missouri town of Delphi with rich land-owner Tobias Brown.
Secret Service Agent
Two men (Victor McLaglen, George Macready) botch the kidnapping of a warden's daughter (Fay Spain), then plot to ransom Abraham Lincoln's corpse.
전직 보안관 벤 스트라이드는 열차강도 사건을 벌이고 자신의 아내를 죽인 7명의 살인자들을 잡기 위해 먼 길을 떠난다. 경제적으로 무능한 자신 때문에 아내가 열차에서 일하다 험한 꼴을 당했다는 죄책감 때문에 복수의 칼을 놓지 못하는 것이다. 그러던 중 곤경에 빠진 한 부부를 만나게 되고 캘리포니아까지 안전히 갈수 있도록 동행해준다. 하지만 범인들을 쫓는 사람은 벤만이 아니었다. 두명의 전과자들이 7명의 강도들이 훔쳤던 거액의 금화를 가로채기위해 벤의 일행에 합류한다. 하지만 적은 언제나 가장 가까이 있는 법. 과연, 벤 스트라이드는 정의의 칼을 내려칠 수 있을까? 그리고 금화는 누구의 손으로...
Marshal of Crystal City
위그스가 이끄는 모르몬교도들의 마차 행렬이 크리스털 시티에 도착한다. 모르몬교도들은 위그스를 대신해 목적지인 유타주의 산 후안까지 그들의 마차를 이끌어줄 마스터를 다시 구해야만 한다. 그런데 마을 사람들이 모르몬교도들을 못마땅해 하고, 결국 모르몬교도들은 마을에서 쫓겨나게 된다. 다행스럽게도 말 거래상인 트레비스와 샌디가 교도들의 왜건 마스터 자리를 맡기로 한다. 황량한 사막지대를 지나던 도중, 트레비스의 마차 행렬은 캘리포니아로 향하던 닥터 홀의 약장수 쇼단과 합류하게 된다. 얼마 후, 크리스털 시티에서 탈주한 강도단 클레그 일당과 마주치며 마차 행렬은 위험에 빠진다. 두 방랑자가 박해를 피해 정착할 땅을 찾아 떠나는 모르몬교도들의 길안내를 맡으며 겪는 갖가지 위험과 도덕적 갈등을 헤쳐가는 과정을 그리면서 공동체 생성의 근원, 평화주의와 폭력적 대립 등에 대해 탐구한다.
Trooper Cliff (uncredited)
After Custer and the 7th Cavalry are wiped out by Native Americans, everyone expects the worst. Capt. Nathan Brittles is ordered out on patrol but he's also required to take along Abby Allshard, wife of the Fort's commanding officer, and her niece Olivia Dandridge, who are being evacuated. Brittles is only a few days away from retirement and Olivia has caught the eye of two of the young officers in the Company. She's taken to wearing a yellow ribbon in her hair, a sign that she has a beau in the Cavalry, but refuses to say for whom she is wearing it.
3인의 강도단 로버트, 페드로, 윌리엄이 애리조나주의 작은 마을에 도착한다. 그들은 마을 초입에서 우연히 벅과 인사를 나누게 되는데, 사실 벅은 보안관이다. 수상한 낌새를 알아챈 벅은 이들을 눈여겨보는데, 아니나다를까 곧 이들이 은행을 털어 달아난다. 벅이 그들을 추격하는데, 윌리엄이 그만 총상을 입고 만다. 도주한 세 사람은 사막지대를 헤매는데, 물도 떨어지고 모래폭풍 때문에 결국은 말도 잃는다. 한편, 세 사람은 버려진 마차에서 금방이라도 아이를 낳을 것 같은 만삭의 여인을 발견한다. 그들은 그녀를 도와 아이를 받고, 그녀는 세 사람의 이름을 따 아기의 이름을 짓고, 아기를 돌봐줄 것을 부탁하고는 숨을 거둔다. 3인의 무법자는 아기를 무사히 안전한 곳으로 데려가기로 한다.
Guard at Mojave Tanks (uncredited)
3인의 강도단 로버트, 페드로, 윌리엄이 애리조나주의 작은 마을에 도착한다. 그들은 마을 초입에서 우연히 벅과 인사를 나누게 되는데, 사실 벅은 보안관이다. 수상한 낌새를 알아챈 벅은 이들을 눈여겨보는데, 아니나다를까 곧 이들이 은행을 털어 달아난다. 벅이 그들을 추격하는데, 윌리엄이 그만 총상을 입고 만다. 도주한 세 사람은 사막지대를 헤매는데, 물도 떨어지고 모래폭풍 때문에 결국은 말도 잃는다. 한편, 세 사람은 버려진 마차에서 금방이라도 아이를 낳을 것 같은 만삭의 여인을 발견한다. 그들은 그녀를 도와 아이를 받고, 그녀는 세 사람의 이름을 따 아기의 이름을 짓고, 아기를 돌봐줄 것을 부탁하고는 숨을 거둔다. 3인의 무법자는 아기를 무사히 안전한 곳으로 데려가기로 한다.
A new town doctor arrives at the same time as local Indians needprotection from troublemaking looters.
A Martian invader crashes his spaceship conveniently close to the workshop of a scientist who is developing an interplanetary craft. If the extraterrestrial Purple Monster can complete the rocket ship and return to Mars, he will be able to start a full-scale invasion of Earth. Good thing Craig Foster sets out to thwart the Monster's mission!
Unknown to oil company president Ross, his man Quinn is pulling a swindle on the independent drillers. Quinn controls both the Judge and the Marshal. But when the Marshal is accidentally killed, Wild Bill Elliott is brought in as the new Marshal and things begin to change.
Henchman Matt
Cowboys side with an Indian doctor against crooks and bad water.
Hoppy, California and Johnny partner up with brother and sister ranch owners, two of several who are having their access to water blocked by a dam owned by a greedy merchant in town, who is intent on driving them out and taking their land for himself.
Stand In
Dusty Gardner, and other Texas ranchers, are driving a herd of cattle to Abilene, Kansas along the Chisholm Trail. Desperate need of water takes them to the Turner ranch, where Belle Turner demands exorbitant prices for the water. Dusty learns that Belle is also trying to oust Mary Lee and Montana Smith from the trading post Mary operates. The sheriff sides with Belle following a fight between the two women. Belle knows there is artesian springs under the land the trading post occupies and intends to get the property by any means.
A cowboy heads for the town where his father was murdered to find out who was responsible.
Stage Driver
A cowboy heads for the town where his father was murdered to find out who was responsible.
The Saturday matinee crowd got two cowboy stars for the price of one in this lavishly budgeted western serial starring former singing cowboy Dick Foran and Buck Jones. The latter contributed deadpan humor to the proceedings, making Jones perhaps the highest paid B-western comedy relief in history. The two heroes defend the Death Valley borax miners from an outlaw gang headed by Wolf Reade. An extraordinarily strong cast -- for a serial, at least -- supported the stars, headed by Charles Bickford as Reade, Leo Carillo, Lon Chaney, Jr., and silent screen star Monte Blue. Leading lady Jeanne Kelly later changed her name to Jean Brooks and starred in the atmospheric RKO thriller The Seventh Victim (1943). Universal claimed to have spent $1 million on this serial and made sure to get their money's worth by endlessly recycling the action footage in serials and B-westerns for years to come.
Indian / Henchman
Beyond Hell's Gate Pass is territory controlled by a man who calls himself King Carter; he uses a variety of schemes to prevent the railroad from being built, for fear it will finish his control of (what he considers) his land.
Beyond Hell's Gate Pass is territory controlled by a man who calls himself King Carter; he uses a variety of schemes to prevent the railroad from being built, for fear it will finish his control of (what he considers) his land.
Bill Saunders recruits a team of paroled convicts to subdue a lawless gang.
A London artist struggles to complete one last painting before going blind.
Hoppy goes to town to help Marshal Windy with some rustlers and winds up helping the widow Joyce when confidence men try to take her herd. King's Men songs include: "Hi Thar Stranger" and "Lazy Rolls the Rio Grande."
Hoppy goes to town to help Marshal Windy with some rustlers and winds up helping the widow Joyce when confidence men try to take her herd. King's Men songs include: "Hi Thar Stranger" and "Lazy Rolls the Rio Grande."
In this epic Western, Wade Hatton, a wagon master turned sheriff, tames a cow town at the end of a railroad line.
Hopalong Cassidy, boss of the Bar 20 ranch in Texas, rides down the Camino Real in the New Mexico cattle country near Alamogordo, in response to an urgent message from his lifelong sweetheart, Nora Blake, who is in serious trouble. Before he and his saddlemates, "Lucky" Jenkins and "Pappy", can reach her ranch, they are stopped by Clay Allison, a cattle-rustler who is in almost complete control of the district, and wants to extend his holdings by seizing Nora's cattle and driving her out. Seeing Cassidy as a menace to his plans, he has him arrested on a trumped-up charge. Cassidy and his pals shoot their way out of the trouble and reach Nora;s ranch where they learn that Allison's henchmen have murdered her foreman, Tom Dillon, and Allison has sent for a crew of outlaws on the Texas border.
Saloon Set Brawler
While filming a western on location, the stand-in/stunt double for an egotistical cowboy movie star proves his heroics when a "fake" bank robbery turns out to be the real thing.
When Len Stoddard wins Ted Ames ranch in a poker game he sends his brother Jake along with Ted to take over the ranch. When Jake is found murdered he offers a reward for the capture of Ted who now is believed to be a member of the Black Aces gang. Ted finds the probable location of the gang's hideout and sets out to clear himself.
Hoppy's brother has been murdered and he is on the trail of the murderers. To get them he makes himself seem to be a wanted man.
Hoppy's brother has been murdered and he is on the trail of the murderers. To get them he makes himself seem to be a wanted man.
Gambler (uncredited)
A singing secret agent tracks down renegades at President Lincoln's request.
The Phantom Rider helps Mary Grayson thwart a plot to steal her land.
An evil gang is involved in both cattle rustling and the robbing of stagecoaches. Hoppy must stop them without help from the sheriff who turns out be a major outlaw himself.
In a town called New Jerusalem, three bandits hold up a bank. After a gun battle with the townspeople, the three robbers retreat into the scorching Arizona desert. There, they happen upon an ill woman stranded with her child. As the mother dies, she begs the men to take care of her infant. The fugitives want to save the baby -- but to do so, they'll have to travel back to New Jerusalem, where they are wanted men.
Henchman Davis
Federal Agents Tipton and Bridger have been sent to Wyoming where the vote on statehood is imminent. Plummer and his gang are out to make sure the vote fails. When Plummer's men kill Bridger, Tipton fights on. He sends fake telegrams that trap some of Plummer's men. Then he organizes the ranchers and on election day they descend on the town barricaded by Plummer's gang.
Tex rides to the rescue when badguys led by LaCrosse and Utah Joe kidnap Lettie.
Cattle rustler Nevada dreams of living like an emperor in the West. Hoppy and the Bar 20 boys aim to put an end to his dream.
When the outlaw El Toro saves Hoppy's life, Hoppy agrees to find his missing grandson.
Cowhand (uncredited)
A young man looks for a thoroughbred horse that was got lost during a train wreck.
In 1930s Texas, following the murder of his father, Tom Morgan joins the Texas Rangers to avenge his father's death and to follow in his path as a proponent of Indian rights. His task as a Ranger is to stop the evil Zaroff and his gang, who are smuggling the elements for a powerful explosive from a mine on Indian land.
Barroom Cowhand
A ranch owner mistakenly believes that a neighboring rancher is involved with cattle thieves.
"Red" Davison(Buck Jones), the sheriff of Sun Dog, sacrifices his job and his good name to save his best friend, "Silent" Slade from the hangman's noose, following a framed-up court decision which sentences Slade to hang for the murder of "Scotty McKee (J.P. McGowan). Davidson allows Slade to escape from jail and follows him to aid him in proving his innocence.
A cowboy is hired to track down a gang of rustlers, but gets involved with a beautiful girl trying to run her grandfather's gold mine and other outlaws who are trying to stop her.
Stunt Double
Running from the law, Jim Hall joins Hays’ gang. Hays is foreman on the Herrick ranch and plans to rustle Herrick’s cattle. Attracted to Herrick’s sister Helen, Jim decides to tell the Sheriff about the raid. But when his plan is overheard he is made a prisoner.
Cowhand (uncredited)
Bob Norton, seeking his brother's killer, tangles with outlaws, wild horses, and a "wild" boy.
Bob Norton, seeking his brother's killer, tangles with outlaws, wild horses, and a "wild" boy.
Bert Logan
Officer John Brown is after the outlaw known as the Night Rider. Posing as Jim Blake he takes a job on the Rogers ranch. He finds the secret passage from the Rogers mine to the Rogers house used by the Night Rider and also a note written by the Night Rider to his henchmen. Practicing his hand writing, he has a plan to trap him.
Megalomaniacal rancher is a law unto himself, until a Ranger is called-upon to bring him to justice.
The wall to Surprise Valley has broken, and Jane Withersteen is forced to choose between Lassiter's life and Fay Larkin's marriage to a Mormon.
Lassiter's sister was killed and her young daughter taken and raised by outlaws. Years later Lassiter arrives at the Withersteen ranch looking for the now grown daughter. He immediately gets caught up in the ranch's struggle against rustlers. Trailing a rustled herd of horses leads him to the rustler's hideout and the missing daughter.
A mysterious master criminal known as The Voice plots with his gang to sabotage the Milesburg Oil Company, but the rightful heir has a secret army of her own to protect her rights.
Western pardners Jeff and Cash find a baby boy in an otherwise deserted emigrants' camp, and clash over which is to be "father." They are still bitterly feuding years later when they own adjacent ranches. Bill, the foundling whom Cash has raised to young manhood, wants to end the feud and extends an olive branch toward Jeff, who now has a lovely daughter. But during a mining venture, the bitterness escalates. Is Bill to be set against his own adoptive father?
'Skeeter' Beldon
It's time for the stagecoach race to win the mail contract and the only entries are Reden and Farrell. Reden's men kidnap Farrell's daughter and then force him to withdraw. Wally rescues Ruth, buys out Farrel, and enters the race himself. But Reden has his men planted along the course to make sure Wally doesn't win.
Dan and Tennessee are successful gold miners. Ace Brady learns of their success and sends Fox to rob them. During the robbery Fox shoots Tennessee and Ace arrives to arrest Dan for the murder. Dan escapes but is now a wanted man.
Mustang - Henchman (uncredited)
Three cowboys try to stop a crook from defrauding an orphan girl out of her money.
Buck Duane avenges his father's murder by gunning down the killer, but must flee from the law. He finds Ruth, whom he once loved, in the clutches of the outlaw Bland. In rescuing Ruth, he becomes entangled with Bland's amorous wife.
Tom Hardy
Cattleman Benson finds Mildred and her brother George living in one of his cabins and their sheep are on his land. Attracted to Mildred, he not only lets her stay, he deeds part of his land to her. This leads to trouble with the other cattlemen.
A cowboy looking for his missing father, poses as an outlaw and joins the gang he thinks is responsible.
Sheriff has a crooked deputy, also objects to his daughter's boyfriend. Crooked deputy kills the sheriff in a robbery. Boyfriend saves the dough, captures the murderer, and gets the girl.
Lefty - Henchman
Despite past friendliness, cattle ranchers Tom and Jim Bledsoe, father and son, fence off their range to prevent its use by neighboring sheep ranchers Tug Wilson and Buck Rankin, suggesting that they hope to end their recent loss of cattle. Rankin (not Rankins) shoots Tug, who is unaware of Rankin's lawless activities, in an argument and Jim is accused of murder and also stampeding the sheep. Believing Jim is guilty, Tug's daughter, Ruth, aids Buck in capturing Jim, but he escapes. Ruth gets help from Sheriff Hank Bosley, and a sheepherder, Sanchez, reveals Rankin's responsibility for both the rustling of Bledsoe's cattle and the killing of Wilson.
Dave Brandon (Tom Tyler) tries to break away from his life of crime, but his old gang won't let him.
Bob Steele is a young rancher who refuses to give in to a gang that is seeking to deprive he and his partner of the contract for supplying cattle to a railroad construction camp. And the gang-leader also has his eye on Bob's sweetheart, Ione Reed.
Buck Allen, The Cheyenne Kid, has been accused of holding up the payroll car of the Cody Dam Construction Company, and is being pursued by U.S. Marshal Utah Kane and Sheriff Hank Bates but they lose him.
A tramp cowboy butts in on a western family fray where a step-brother is trying to wrestle an estate away from a sick man and falls for the blonde niece. Everything ends okay after one killing.
Henchman Red (uncredited)
Spitzer wants the Gordon ranch, so he has his men waylay and rob him as he returns with money. Dick finding the body also finds a blood soaked money wrapper, a clue that will help him find the culprits.
Tod Walker takes Rex Carson's map to a gold mine and leaves him in the desert. Carson recuperates at Jean Walker's ranch and she takes a liking to him. But when her uncle Tod arrives, he claims Carson tried to jump his claim. She sides with her uncle and Carson, banished from the Walker ranch, sets out to get his claim back.
Deputy Sheriff "Smoke" Sanderson (Bob Custer) is after a gang of smugglers, led by Brad Vogel (J.P. McGowan) operating along the Texas/Mexico border but he does not know that Chet Clayton (Perry Murdock), the brother of his sweetheart, Wanda Clayton (Phyllis Bainbridge), is one of the gang members.
'Firebrand' Jordan is a ranger sent into the high Sierras to assist the local Sheriff Ed Burns in capturing a mysterious band of counterfeiters.
A young rancher falsely accused of kidnapping his own stepfather, the aptly named Henry Pennypincher.
Mounties O'Malley and Calhoun are sent to see why miners are not returning with their gold. Arriving, they recover the gold from a robbery attempt.
Henchman 'Humpy'
A crazed scientist calling himself The Voice from the Sky broadcasts his voice all across the globe, and threatens to suspend all energy in the earth's atmosphere and turn day into night unless the world immediately destroys all arms and vehicles of warfare. U. S. Secret Service agent Jack Deering is sent to Arizona to investigate
Leary Henchman
Leary is using the Express Agent's liking for alcohol to enable his men to steal insured packages. Then he claims the insurance. Railroad Agent Hartley is sent to investigate and suspecting Leary, he and the Sheriff plan to trap them the next time they try their scheme.
Slim Saxon
Story of a cowboy tracking down his father's killer
a cowboy seeks revenge for the murder of his father.
Bill attempts to apprehend the villain who killed his brother. Unfortunately, a crooked border-town sheriff is in his way.
Jimmy Blyth
There is trouble on the Bar D ranch as cowhand Mile Ahead plans to rustle the herd. He starts a fire on the opposite side of the ranch to keep the hands busy and also kidnaps the new school teacher. Fighting the fire, Foreman Denver leans the cattle are gone and going after Mile Ahead, learns the teacher is a prisoner in the school and the fire that is now out of control is heading her way.
Red Hank
With help from his talented horse and dog, a marshal captures bandits.
Red Barton
A mining expert helps a girl and her kid brother defeat an evil claim jumper.
Pat Carle
Concern for her father, who is being slowly ruined by cattle rustling, prompts Mary Benson to do some investigating in a distant cattle town, where she briefly encounters drifters Oklahoma Adams and Sneezer Clark. They follow her back to Arizona, go to work on the Benson ranch, and discover the ranch foreman to be responsible for the rustling and the robbery of a rodeo box office.
Chuck Lang
Helen Williams, lured to a wild cattle-town on the promise of a job learns that the job she has is not the kind she thought she had, and finds herself selling drinks and dancing with drunk cowboys in the saloon. She meets Jim Blake, the rough-and-ready foreman of the Bar-X Ranch and they fall in love. And face more than a few problems on the way to getting married.
Our hero is mistaken for a bandit. Al's girl Nancy at first believes him to be guilty, but he manage to convince her that the real bandit is McDonald.
On a mission to discover the identity of the rustlers of the cattle on Britton ranch, Blue Streak O'Neil exposes the villains mingling with the sheriff's posse. Having won the ranch for the heroine, he accepts from her a half interest in it, and also her love.
Gillis - Henchman (uncredited)
A deputy comes upon a young girl who has been fired and cheated out of her wages by her former employer. The deputy helps her get what's due her, and accompanies her to her hometown, where they discover that her stepfather has plans to marry her off to a big-time smuggler.
After inheriting his uncle's ranch, a cowpoke manages to capture a ghost of the range, break up some cattle rustlers, and win the girl.
Carter Brace is out to murder Belden. Collins who was sent to bring in the border gang led by Brace, saves Belden's life in San Francisco. When they all reach the border, Brace tries again.
Charioteer (uncredited)
Erstwhile childhood friends, Judah Ben-Hur and Messala meet again as adults, this time with Roman officer Messala as conqueror and Judah as a wealthy, though conquered, Israelite. A slip of a brick during a Roman parade causes Judah to be sent off as a galley slave, his property confiscated and his mother and sister imprisoned. Years later, as a result of his determination to stay alive and his willingness to aid his Roman master, Judah returns to his homeland an exalted and wealthy Roman athlete. Unable to find his mother and sister, and believing them dead, he can think of nothing else than revenge against Messala.
A rancher has left his spread to his long lost son, but only if he shows up to claim it. A mean-fisted fugitive from justice looks just like the missing heir and a plan for deception is hatched.
Ranch Hand
The foreman of a ranch owned by a pretty young girl captures a herd of wild horses, but the herd's lead horse manages to break them free. The foreman blames a drifting cowboy, Yak, for the break-out. Yak, however, seems intent on provoking a confrontation with the foreman at every opportunity--and, as it turns out, for good reason.