Matthew Ramirez
전 세계 문명이 파괴된 코로나 팬데믹 1년 6개월 후. 가족을 지키지 못한 죄책감에 사로잡힌 전직 FBI 요원 ‘벤’은 스스로를 고립시킨 채 가족농장을 요새 삼아 홀로 살아남았다. 한편, 난민 수용소에서 유일하게 살아남아 탈출한 생존자 ‘사라’를 바이러스 면역 항체를 보유한 인류의 해답이라 여긴 ‘아론’ 무리는 그녀를 이용해 새로운 세상을 열겠다는 목표 아래 그 뒤를 쫓는다. 은신처를 찾아 ‘벤’에게 온 ‘사라’를 지키기 위해 그는 자신의 무기와 FBI 기술을 총동원해 그들을 포위한 ‘아론’에 맞서 대적하는데...
When money, affairs, power and lies collide, Nicole Wright, a beautiful and successful music CEOs life is about to crumble in front of her. While leaving her husband and son, the lies that have built her music empire is threatening to tear her down. While having an affair with Kingston, the sexy artist on the rise who promises her everything, Nicole learns the hard way that looks can be deceiving and his motives are as dark as the secrets she keeps.
While scouring the streets of Detroit for his lost championship ring, a former basketball star, suffering from mental illness, finds himself stuck in a time warp and unable to come to grips with life as it is now.
The worlds of a young cop with a checkered past, an ex-con turned devout Muslim, and a junkie with affluent roots collide in a plot to justify New York City's counter-terrorism campaign against homegrown extremists.
Verdon Coates Jr.
A crime anthology film based on George Pelecanos' book of the same title.