David Kamens

참여 작품

룸 이스케이프
Co-Executive Producer
서른 번째 생일을 맞은 ‘타일러’를 축하하기 위해 여섯 청춘남녀가 모이고, 그의 여자 친구 ‘크리스틴’은 방탈출 게임을 제안한다. 그리고 이내 밀폐된 방안에서 목숨을 담보로 한 잔인한 게임과 마주하게 된다. 과연 그들은 무사히 이 방을 빠져나갈 수 있을까?
Dawn is ready to finish her senior year of high school when her neglectful, party-loving mother is tragically killed, forcing Dawn to go to live with her aunt Jamie who co-pastors a church with her husband, Willem. Unfortunately, not long into her stay things go terribly wrong, and Dawn runs away. When Dawn's Aunt Jamie realizes her home was not the safe-haven she thought it was, she embarks on a courageous search for Dawn. Dawn, having no foreknowledge of the streets, is easy prey for a two-bit street hustler, falling for his well-rehearsed flattery. She is lured into a life she could never have imagined for herself. Jamie learns of her predicament and becomes more determined than ever to rescue her, despite Dawn's desire to distance herself. Anxiously Jamie befriends a street minister, and the two of them set out together to find Dawn. However, in her search for Dawn, Jamie realizes it is not only Dawn who needs rescuing.
The Big Lonely
Documentary - Documenting the 7th season of one man's extraordinary isolation in the wilderness, 'The Big Lonely' captures the essence of loneliness, survival, and resilience of the human spirit in a uniquely filmed manner. Director David Manougian unveils the captivating, intimate and redemptive story of Michael Nelms and his dog Tic, who, after becoming homeless, chose a life in a remote wilderness hideout over 'living under a bridge.' Micheal's stunning self-shot account is at once gritty and heartwarming, sorrowful yet awe-inspiring as we eavesdrop on a man surviving in a self-built cabin dealing with the physical and mental hardships of such a life. 'The Big Lonely' is a far too common American Story, told in an uncommonly personal full-length documentary. -