Adam Collins

참여 작품

런던 타겟
뛰어난 실력으로 인정받고 있는 특수부대원 ‘제이크’는 인질을 구조하기 위한 작전을 수행하던 중 어린 아이의 죽음을 눈 앞에서 목격하게 된다. 이후 죄책감으로 모든 것을 그만둔 ‘제이크’는 술과 도박에 빠져 마약에까지 손을 뻗게 되고, 결국 거리로 나앉게 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 오랜 친구이자 연인 같은 ‘제이드’로 인해 이 모든 일이 부패 의원 ‘아치볼드’ 때문임을 알게 되고, 그를 향한 복수를 시작하는데…
런던 타겟
뛰어난 실력으로 인정받고 있는 특수부대원 ‘제이크’는 인질을 구조하기 위한 작전을 수행하던 중 어린 아이의 죽음을 눈 앞에서 목격하게 된다. 이후 죄책감으로 모든 것을 그만둔 ‘제이크’는 술과 도박에 빠져 마약에까지 손을 뻗게 되고, 결국 거리로 나앉게 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 오랜 친구이자 연인 같은 ‘제이드’로 인해 이 모든 일이 부패 의원 ‘아치볼드’ 때문임을 알게 되고, 그를 향한 복수를 시작하는데…
The Box
Driving down a dark country road, Niall picks up a strange man who's cradling a mysterious cardboard box.
The Box
Driving down a dark country road, Niall picks up a strange man who's cradling a mysterious cardboard box.
Hood: A Legend Reborn
The year is 1180 AD. King Richard the lion heart has distributed power to the Lords of the land in his absence. The Sheriff of each town has been authorised to enforce the law and maintain order, ensuring the people abide by their civil duties and pay their taxes. Robert Loxely, the Lord of Nottinghamshire, returns from fighting in the crusades along side his closest life long friend. He honours him by making him the Sheriff of Nottingham. Robin, only a young boy, watches as his father is betrayed by the Sheriff and executed before him. Several years later and now a veteran of the war himself, Robin wanders the land alone. A chance meeting places him at the feet of a rebellion. Those who have been outcast and banished from the city. Their villages raped and pillaged at the hands of the tyrannical Sheriff. Robin now has a choice, to turn his back on his home land, or stand, fight and lead the rebellion against the merciless Sheriff and his men.
Hood: A Legend Reborn
The year is 1180 AD. King Richard the lion heart has distributed power to the Lords of the land in his absence. The Sheriff of each town has been authorised to enforce the law and maintain order, ensuring the people abide by their civil duties and pay their taxes. Robert Loxely, the Lord of Nottinghamshire, returns from fighting in the crusades along side his closest life long friend. He honours him by making him the Sheriff of Nottingham. Robin, only a young boy, watches as his father is betrayed by the Sheriff and executed before him. Several years later and now a veteran of the war himself, Robin wanders the land alone. A chance meeting places him at the feet of a rebellion. Those who have been outcast and banished from the city. Their villages raped and pillaged at the hands of the tyrannical Sheriff. Robin now has a choice, to turn his back on his home land, or stand, fight and lead the rebellion against the merciless Sheriff and his men.
Hood: A Legend Reborn
The year is 1180 AD. King Richard the lion heart has distributed power to the Lords of the land in his absence. The Sheriff of each town has been authorised to enforce the law and maintain order, ensuring the people abide by their civil duties and pay their taxes. Robert Loxely, the Lord of Nottinghamshire, returns from fighting in the crusades along side his closest life long friend. He honours him by making him the Sheriff of Nottingham. Robin, only a young boy, watches as his father is betrayed by the Sheriff and executed before him. Several years later and now a veteran of the war himself, Robin wanders the land alone. A chance meeting places him at the feet of a rebellion. Those who have been outcast and banished from the city. Their villages raped and pillaged at the hands of the tyrannical Sheriff. Robin now has a choice, to turn his back on his home land, or stand, fight and lead the rebellion against the merciless Sheriff and his men.