취약한 아동을 착취하고 영국 전역으로 인신매매하는 전국 마약 판매 기업인 '카운티 라인'에 가담한 엄마와 14세 소년에 대한 이야기
Mother at Zoo
전쟁의 참상을 겪고 돌아온 '밀른(도널 글리슨)'은 외상 후 스트레스로 힘들어하고, 가족과 함께 교외로 떠난 '밀른'은 그곳에서 자신의 아들 '크리스토퍼 로빈'과 '아들의 곰인형을 주인공으로 한 동화책을 써 내려가기 시작하는데... 지금껏 알지 못했던 인기 캐릭터 '곰돌이 푸'의 감동적인 탄생 실화가 공개된다!!
Gus Ferguson runs a tree felling business with his only son, Travis. Neither of the men are happy in their work or with each other. Over the course of a two-day job Gus must face the devastating truth that the family business is failing and why Travis is so desperate to take control.
Woman Buying Drugs
14 year old Tyler is sent from London to a small coastal town to sell Class A drugs. Alone and unprotected, he finds himself trapped in a series of complex and high-risk situations with some of the UK's most dangerous adults. Henry Blake's short film precursor to the feature of the same name.
14 year old Tyler is sent from London to a small coastal town to sell Class A drugs. Alone and unprotected, he finds himself trapped in a series of complex and high-risk situations with some of the UK's most dangerous adults. Henry Blake's short film precursor to the feature of the same name.