Fabian Loo

Fabian Loo

프로필 사진

Fabian Loo

참여 작품

Merewang Keluarga Pak Awang
Plot Unknown
Takut Ke Tak
A group of college students, Abbas and his friends, are determined to make the best horror movie for their graduation project. They have picked a haunted house for their shooting location. Soon Abbas and his friends realize that there are restless spirits around them. The group must now figure out a way to escape the haunted house.
Best Girlfriend
쿠알라룸푸르의 밤
Sai Lo
쿠알라룸푸르를 배경으로 한 본격 범죄드라마로, 4명의 택시기사들이 등장해 일을 꾸지만 완벽한 사기꾼 따위는 없음을 보여준다. 장르영화지만 전형적인 상업영화의 틀을 살짝 비튼 매력적인 영화로 올해 부산국제영화제 후반작업지원을 받아 완성했다.
아덴만의 새벽
Ah Wai
The true events of Lieutenant Commander Arman Anwar of PASKAL, an elite unit in the Royal Malaysian Navy, and his team's mission to rescue the MV Bunga Laurel, a tanker which was hijacked by Somalian Pirates in 2011.
Think Big Big
Ah Seng
Moon is a happy and confident plus-sized girl. She’s working as a mascot performer in a theme park. She never cares about how other people judge her until she accidentally involved in a slimming competition. She even becomes the “Nation Goddess” who is constantly being watched by the netizen. Getting lost in the fancy internet world, Moon’s life has turned upside down. She loses the support of her parents and even her besties. What can she do to regain her true happiness and win back the people she loves?
She Said You Love Me
Three former high school best friends gather for a steamboat dinner just to catch up. As the dinner went on into the night with beers and wine thrown in things get complicated as one of them has a hidden secret that no one wants to know in their present situation.
Rain Town
Plot Unknown