농구 역사상 가장 영향력 크고, 역동적이며, 예측 불허인 선수 중 하나인 스테판 커리. 작디작은 대학 선수에서 NBA 4회 우승에 성공한 선수가 되기까지의 놀라운 성장 이야기.
상처받고 학대당한 영혼들. 세 명의 유대인이 엄격한 하시디즘 공동체를 떠나 독립을 택한다. 하지만 시련은 언제나 끝이 날까. 적개심과 분노, 위협이 그들 곁을 맴돈다.
Documentary about the Black Lives Matter movement.
Arguably the most influential creator, writer, and producer in the history of television, Norman Lear brought primetime into step with the times. Using comedy and indelible characters, his legendary 1970s shows such as All In the Family, Maude, Good Times, and The Jeffersons, boldly cracked open dialogue and shifted the national consciousness, injecting enlightened humanism into sociopolitical debates on race, class, creed, and feminism.
Seeds of Time follows agriculture pioneer Cary Fowler's global journey to save the eroding foundation of our food supply in a new era of climate change.
Seeds of Time follows agriculture pioneer Cary Fowler's global journey to save the eroding foundation of our food supply in a new era of climate change.