Mario Medrano

Mario Medrano

프로필 사진

Mario Medrano

참여 작품

A businessman falls in love with a beautiful young woman, showers her with attention and turns her into a star without confessing his love to her.
Steel racing cars
A shy and humble young man overcomes his fears and becomes a racing champion.
Pelota de trapo
Alfredo Diaz
This is the story of a suburb in Buenos Aires, its neighborhood, and how they live together in poverty, conjoined by the games of the children, and the love and support of the grown ups.
Allá en el setenta y tantos
The life of Élida Passo, pioneer of medicine of the Buenos Aires of the XIX century. By 1870, the first women tried to practice medicine in an area reserved for men; and through sacrifice and struggle, they begin the path towards a more egalitarian society.
Nuestra Natacha
A 1944 film.
Se rematan ilusiones
A group of young people from the Colegio Nacional Buenos Aires recount their wanderings and their days in high school at the time of the National Organization in Buenos Aires.
Fragata Sarmiento
It narrates the history of the Argentine ship that served for many generations like school for the formation of sailors.
Nosotros los muchachos
Three displaced children hitchhike to Buenos Aires, where they get involved in street-crime and heavier stuff. Positive-role-model adults offer a balance to those negative influences.
...Y mañana serán hombres
A man who is a director of a reformatory is slowly gaining everyone's trust.