Kung-Wu Huang


Kung-Wu Huang is known for Wang ming lang zi (1973), Da lao qian (1975) and Jade Tiger (1977).

참여 작품

Coolie Killer
Ko leads a team of Hong Kong assassins that are taken out one by one. Ko manages to flee to the countryside, where he aims to find out who's behind this and to gain the strength to fight back. Helping him is local girl Tong, whilst chasing Ko is the long arm of the law, represented by cop Chung.
남과 여와 황금
Mr. Tsang
Two novice thieves are plotting to rob a bank in Vancouver. A photographer snaps a shot of one thief as he is carrying the bank building's blueprints. The would-be thief then begins a relationship with the photographer and attempts to retrieve the photos. Meanwhile, the thieves' plot consists of this: one man will enter the bank building after dark, while the other man sits in a van and uses a computer to unlock the building's doors. The final step involves transporting the cash to a freight ship waiting on the docks, for transportation to a money launderer in Macau.
The super human Beast from the East takes on all comers!
골든 니들
Kwan (as Tony Lee)
젊음을 되찾기를 원하는 미국의 암흑계 대부 윈터스(Winters: 버제스 메레디스 분)는 이 물건을 손에 넣기 위해 조직원 펠리시티(Felicity: 엘리자베스 애쉬 분)를 홍콩에 파견하지만 펠리시티는 물건을 빼돌려 돈을 챙긴 다음 조직에서 은퇴할 결심을 한다. 펠리시티의 부탁을 받은 골동품상 콴(Kwan: 토니 리 분)은 절친한 친구인 해결사 댄(Dan: 죠 돈 베이커 분)에게 린 토우(Lin Toa: 로이 치아오 분)가 갖고 있는 황금인물상을 훔쳐내 달라고 부탁하는데 이로 인해 콴은 토우의 부하들에게 죽음을 당한다.
Man on the Police Gazette
The notorious bandit, Shi Wen Lung breaks out of a California jail and flees back to China to carry on his life of crime. Eventually the Country sheriff catches up with him looking for the bounty on his head.