Erdal Gülver

Erdal Gülver

출생 : 1946-04-02, Mersin, Türkiye

프로필 사진

Erdal Gülver

참여 작품

끝나지 않은 희망곡
지역 밴드를 이끄는 음악가가 우익 군부를 위해 공연을 하라는 압력을 받게 되고 그의 딸은 이 상황을 역이용하기 위해 계획을 꾸민다.
Mem û Zîn
Based upon an ancient epic poem by "Ahmad Khani", the film relates the story of Mem,a young Kurdish boy, who falls in love with Zin, the daughter of the governor of Butan,when the people are celebrating "Newroz", the ancient national ceremony of Kurds.
Düttürü Dünya
The Horse
A father and son come to grips with external hardships and their own human frailties as they attempt to earn enough money to send the boy to school.