Shishir Bangdel

참여 작품

Nango Gaun
When an honest teacher, Pasang, makes an effort to improve the government school in his village, a situation arises where he has to face the election of the village. The village chairman Jari challenges him to win the election and show it. Pasang sees the possibility of winning based on the votes of his students, parents and villagers. He concludes that if Jari is defeated, corruption will be eradicated from the village. His wife Nima and his close friends also encourage him to stand for election. He resigns as a school teacher and becomes a candidate for election. And he starts him election campaigning. However, he does not find village politics clean and easy as he thought. His assumption that he will easily win the election proves to be wrong.
맨 프롬 카트만두
Praveen Kumar
미국 로스앤젤레스에서 어머니와 단둘이 살며 인종차별에 분노하고 복수심에 불타는 페이잘 무스타파. 시리아 내전에 참전했다고 알려진 아버지를 찾아 중동으로 향하기 전, 고향인 카트만두에 들른다. 아버지를 따라 테러 조직에 가담해서는 안된다는 할아버지의 만류에도 중동행을 고집하던 무스타파는, 노숙자를 위한 보호소를 짓던 할아버지가 이권 다툼에 휘말려 살해당하면서 비로소, 가장 소중한 가치가 뭔지 깨닫는다. 어린 시절 친구이자 다시 만나 사랑하는 사이가 된 남라타까지, 할아버지를 살해한 폭력조직에 납치됐다는 사실을 알게 된 무스타파! 그는 사랑하는 사람과 할아버지의 뜻을 지키기 위해 카트만두를 장악해버린 거대한 폭력조직 속으로 혈혈단신 뛰어드는데…
Kabaddi Kabaddi
Ambir Gauchan (Mama)
Kaji dreams of marrying Maiya but things go wrong when Bamkaji returns to the village who also wants to marry Maiya.
Resham Filili
Dorje Don
Two friends, both weathered by bad luck, must finally beat the odds to save their lives.
Ambir Thakuri
Kazi a young aimless man dreams of marrying Maiya, a village girl by any means although she wants to go to the city for higher education. Their lives are thrown into turmoil with the arrival of Bibek, a charming young man from the city.