Leslie, a young and idle suburbanite, drags his best friend Fox into a shady scheme across the Île-de-France. On a construction site for the future metro line of the Grand Paris, they discover a mysterious artefact. Another opportunity to make a little money. But along their journey, the Parisian suburbs become the scene of strange phenomena.
Color Grading
Vincent tells the story of Jean, a character who is a part of him, without being him. In this story Jean meets Stacey. Among the echoes of today's society the professional and private relationship of a filmmaker and an actress at work is growing. Notre Histoire is a modern tragi-comedy, a love letter to a woman, a tribute to a neighborhood victim of terrorism, a self-portrait, a social criticism, the description of a relationship between a filmmaker and an actress, in the center of which desire and urgency to work mix.
Visual Effects
프레디는 여행차 떠난 일본행 항공편이 태풍으로 변경되자 어린 시절 프랑스로 입양된 후 처음으로 한국 땅을 밟게 된다. 언어도, 문화도 매우 낯설지만 나름의 재미를 즐기는 그녀. 하지만 자신이 진정 느끼고 원하는 건 무엇인지, 스스로를 발견해가는 길은 순탄치 않고, 결국 만나게 된 그녀의 생부와도 서로 산더미 같은 감정의 골이 남아있다.
Color Grading
In 1752 in Reunion Island, Soa, a former Malagasy slave, believes she has found a tunnel that will lead her back to Madagascar. When her village of maroons falls under the threat of slave hunters, Soa faces an inescapable choice: stay with her loved ones or flee to finally return home.
VFX Artist
Leslie, a young and disillusioned suburbanite, drags his best friend Fox into a messy scheme all across Paris’ suburbs. On a construction site of the Grand Paris Express – the train of the future! – they discover a mysterious artifact. Just what they need to cash in a little extra.
Color Grading
Leslie, a young and disillusioned suburbanite, drags his best friend Fox into a messy scheme all across Paris’ suburbs. On a construction site of the Grand Paris Express – the train of the future! – they discover a mysterious artifact. Just what they need to cash in a little extra.
Visual Effects
Sahar tirelessly travels the forgotten plains and cliffs of his native island to prospect for a rare mineral. Suddenly, a voice upsets his search, his relationship with the world, and our Milky Way.
Special Effects
VFX Artist
Simon and Zoé meet on Tinder. They live in the same suburban town and Zoé, wasting no time, invites him right over to her house. Simon can’t believe his luck! But once he arrives, he quickly understands that his date may prove more complicated than expected.
Color Grading
Simon and Zoé meet on Tinder. They live in the same suburban town and Zoé, wasting no time, invites him right over to her house. Simon can’t believe his luck! But once he arrives, he quickly understands that his date may prove more complicated than expected.
Color Grading
Jarvis has just moved to Shanghai and is suddenly confined to his empty apartment. He finds it difficult to manage his loneliness and plunges into a state of deep anxiety. The only way to escape his nightmares is to flee through the deserted city to get to a friend’s house.
Color Grading
The summer festivities of a Portuguese village are suffused with sensuality and violence in this enigmatic portrait of a tightly knit family.
Visual Effects
20 세기 초반, 페드로는 강력한 지주의 결혼식 사진을 찍기 위해 티에라 델 푸에고에 도착한다. 페드로는 소녀 티가 아직 가시지 않은, 신부 사라의 순수한 아름다움을 포착하다 눈덮인 산 한가운데 버려지는데….
Color Grading
Louis II de Barrière has been petrified in the ice since the dawn of time. We find him in a forest, luckily he is alive ! Three witch sisters try to defrost it and unravel its musical mystery. We are propelled with them in a colorful and surreal fairy tale.
Color Grading
Summer, 1988 in Corsica. Vanina, fourteen years old, paints the town red with her cousin and sixteen-year-old sister. The teenagers slip out of the house on the quiet to go and dance and meet up with boys in the only nearby disco.
Special Effects
Summer, 1988 in Corsica. Vanina, fourteen years old, paints the town red with her cousin and sixteen-year-old sister. The teenagers slip out of the house on the quiet to go and dance and meet up with boys in the only nearby disco.
Color Timer
Getting away, that's the only thing that's real. For Manue, here there's nothing to hope for, whereas in America everything is possible. On the next pier, a container ship is heading for Massachusetts and they're looking for sailors. Gaffia agrees to hold Manue's hand for the long voyage.
VFX Artist
For his first official investigation, Special Agent Van Der Byten is sent to Chelles, a suburb of Paris. His mission: to find the Mozeb. But what is the Mozeb? While his investigation stalls, he is confronted with a series of strange encounters.
Color Grading
For his first official investigation, Special Agent Van Der Byten is sent to Chelles, a suburb of Paris. His mission: to find the Mozeb. But what is the Mozeb? While his investigation stalls, he is confronted with a series of strange encounters.
Visual Effects
Buildings are not supposed to move. But on Avenida Libertador 2050, a building moves and the ceiling shivers, causing a strange nausea that devours its residents. Those who live on the top are afraid they’ll fall, the ones who live beneath are afraid they’ll drown.
Color Grading
펠릭스 쿠빈은 악기 중 신시사이저 Korg MS-20을 가장 좋아하는 실험 음악가다. 펠릭스는 삶의 어떤 순간에도 음악 창작을 멈추지 않으며, 아이 같은 상상력으로 모든 소리의 변형 가능성을 찾는 인물이다. 마리 로지에 감독은 전작들에서 젠더를 바꾸고 싶어 하는 음악가, 게이 레슬러 등 평범하지 않은 인물들의 다큐멘터리를 만들어 왔다. 이번 신작은 펠릭스라는 독특한 인물이 가진 끝없는 창작열을 통해 전자음악에서부터 라디오, 팝, 오페라, 콘크리트 음악, 마이크 실험까지 관객을 순수한 음악 세계로 안내한다.
Visual Effects
Krishna once again takes female form. Going with the current, she shares her memories with us as the spirits of the river keep a watchful eye.
Color Timer
카산드로는 멕시코에서 가장 별난 루차 리브레 스타이다. 그는 성 고정관념을 파괴하는 의상으로 등장하는 엑소티코 멤버의 수장 레슬러로, 남성 우월적인 스포츠계에서 편견과 맞서 싸운다. 수차례 세계 챔피언 타이틀을 거머쥔 그는 언제나 자신을 극한으로 몰아붙여 왔다. 하지만 26년간 이어진 이 생활 끝에, 그의 몸은 산산조각이 났고 자신감은 곤두박질쳤다. 그럼에도 그는 스포트라이트로부터 떨어진 생활을 견딜 수는 없다.
Color Grading
In the Hauts de Mayotte (The Comoro Islands), a secret space, of magic and escape, men and dogs, maintain filial almost intertwined relationships, companion species who share a common land of transformation and autonomy. Smogi has a particular relationship with dogs but also with the power of the elements, nature and the sly spirits that inhabit him (the djinns). “Djo” crosses different belief systems in a wild syncretism where the Muslim call to prayer also marks a moment of reunion with the animist and impure forces of the forest.
Color Grading
In the dark night, off the Comoros archipelago, Patron learns how to become « Commandant ». Soon he will take his first clandestine passengers to Mayotte.
In 2020, the greatest minds in France gather at the President’s home in order to save the country from catastrophe.
Color Timer
A fairy is invited for lunch by Gertrude Stein, and suddenly the world changes.
Color Grading
Director of Photography