Yoko Yamanaka

Yoko Yamanaka

출생 : , Nagano Prefecture, Japan


Yoko Yamanaka is a Japanese filmmaker, she was born in Nagano, Japan in 1997. Amiko is her first feature film.

프로필 사진

Yoko Yamanaka

참여 작품

이십일세기 소녀
젊은 여성 감독과 배우들이 모여 여성들의 이야기를 담은 옴니버스 영화. 일과 사랑에 대한 고민, 소수자에 대한 억압과 차별, 일상적인 고뇌와 행복들…. 21세기의 여성들이 어떻게 살아가고, 생각하는지를 스스로의 눈으로 바라보고 질문을 던진다.
Born Pisces
10-year-old children Midori and Futa live separate lives. Both feel alone and isolated from their parents. They struggle to be kids under the stress and weight of their fractured family lives.
Born Pisces
10-year-old children Midori and Futa live separate lives. Both feel alone and isolated from their parents. They struggle to be kids under the stress and weight of their fractured family lives.
See You on the Other Side
Consensual polyamorous relations between Hiroki, Natsuki, and Kanako are injected with palpable tension following their cohabitation, resulting in an unexpected turn of events.
Amiko, a high school girl, adores Aomi to the point of nearly worshipping him. But one day, he runs away from home. Amiko's sometimes cynical, sometimes self-deprecating inner monologue goes off like vibrant stand-up comedy.
Production Design
Amiko, a high school girl, adores Aomi to the point of nearly worshipping him. But one day, he runs away from home. Amiko's sometimes cynical, sometimes self-deprecating inner monologue goes off like vibrant stand-up comedy.
Amiko, a high school girl, adores Aomi to the point of nearly worshipping him. But one day, he runs away from home. Amiko's sometimes cynical, sometimes self-deprecating inner monologue goes off like vibrant stand-up comedy.
Director of Photography
Amiko, a high school girl, adores Aomi to the point of nearly worshipping him. But one day, he runs away from home. Amiko's sometimes cynical, sometimes self-deprecating inner monologue goes off like vibrant stand-up comedy.
Amiko, a high school girl, adores Aomi to the point of nearly worshipping him. But one day, he runs away from home. Amiko's sometimes cynical, sometimes self-deprecating inner monologue goes off like vibrant stand-up comedy.