Hung-Yi Hsiao

참여 작품

Workers The Movie
Lighting Director
“Siaulian”, who is released from prison and trying to turn his life back to track, runs into his childhood friend Tang, now a police officer, in a gang fight. Siaulian is wanted by the gangs since he has been made the one responsible for the fight. Siaulian is forced to form his own gang in order to protect his family and seek revenge. Eventually, he is wanted by both the gangsters and the police. As for Tang, he is struggling to protect his dearest friend as he is actually the reason why Siaulian was sentenced to prison.
네 마음에 새겨진 이름
오랜 계엄령이 해제된 직후 1980년대의 대만. 오늘날과는 달리 보수적인 사회 분위기에 LGBTQ 커뮤니티가 소외당하던 시절, 남자 기숙학교에 다니는 두 남고생이 우정과 사랑의 경계에서 서로에게 강렬하게 이끌린다. 하지만 학교가 남녀 공학으로 바뀌고 한 여학생이 등장하면서 급격히 흔들리는 두 사람. 이들은 과연 서로를 지킬 수 있을까.