Margaret Ann Bain

Margaret Ann Bain

프로필 사진

Margaret Ann Bain
Margaret Ann Bain

참여 작품

다크 센스
놀라운 힘을 가진 청년 사이먼은 연쇄살인범을 추적하지만 자신 안의 악마와 그를 자유롭게 다니게 두는 것은 위험하다고 생각하는 정부 요원과도 싸워야 한다. 피터 플래너리의 베스트셀러를 원작으로 한 영화이다.
Making Ugly
Neil (Paul Quinn) has his habits he drinks too much and smokes too much. He also kills too many women. In a city of millions, who will notice? But someone has, a tape is sent to Neil with footage of his brutal violence. Who has been following him and what will they do with this information? Stark (Jamie Jack Gordon) returns home after investigating another crime scene, perhaps he can shed light on the growing number of corpses found suffocated. Heather (Margaret Ann Bain) has a violent boyfriend an unfulfilling job and her brother is in a critical condition in hospital. She is reaching breaking point and her fragile state of mind is threatening to spiral into powerful rage. So look this way for a while. This story revolves around the dark bonds that link seemingly disparate characters and the horrific crimes committed when no one is really looking. Self-preservation is the link between them but similar interests do not always lead to making friends when the goal is making ugly.