Manuel Grandpierre

참여 작품

Andrea Gets a Divorce
Rural policewoman Andrea wants to end her marriage and become a detective inspector in the city. After a birthday party, her drunken soon-to-be ex-husband runs out in front of her car. In a state of shock, Andrea commits a hit-and-run.
Sound Designer
In I AM HERE!, Wüst gave 16mm and its limitations on shooting a try, resulting in one of his most beautiful and intense works. Little happens outside childhood friends Monika and Martin talking while walking through a forest towards a barren field and a car. Their talk is simultaneously incessant and halting as they circle a history of hurt from their younger days.
Sound Designer
A man with the mental faculties of a child must save his mother, thereby becoming god and devil.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A man with the mental faculties of a child must save his mother, thereby becoming god and devil.
Jeanny - The Fifth Girl
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
In Mödling, a small town near Vienna, girls between the ages of 18 and 20 have been disappearing without a trace at ever shorter intervals for the past 13 years. Residents are worried and accuse the police of incompetence. In this environment of fear and mistrust, the 19-year-old schoolgirl Jeanny meets the mysterious but charming tax consultant Johannes, which initially has something threatening about it. But Johannes sees more in Jeanny than just an innocent girl. And he gives Jeanny, who lost her father at a young age, support and recognition. He helps her to pass the Matura, he awakens her self-confidence and gives her the appreciation that she misses. An unusual love grows between the two, which is initially kept secret from everyone. As she is drawn deeper and deeper into the whirl of her feelings, the aggressive climate in the town continues to escalate. A militia is formed. Jeanny is becoming increasingly insecure. Can she really trust Johannes?
Jeanny - The Fifth Girl
Sound Designer
In Mödling, a small town near Vienna, girls between the ages of 18 and 20 have been disappearing without a trace at ever shorter intervals for the past 13 years. Residents are worried and accuse the police of incompetence. In this environment of fear and mistrust, the 19-year-old schoolgirl Jeanny meets the mysterious but charming tax consultant Johannes, which initially has something threatening about it. But Johannes sees more in Jeanny than just an innocent girl. And he gives Jeanny, who lost her father at a young age, support and recognition. He helps her to pass the Matura, he awakens her self-confidence and gives her the appreciation that she misses. An unusual love grows between the two, which is initially kept secret from everyone. As she is drawn deeper and deeper into the whirl of her feelings, the aggressive climate in the town continues to escalate. A militia is formed. Jeanny is becoming increasingly insecure. Can she really trust Johannes?
Notes from the Underworld
Sound Designer
A love letter to Vienna in the 1960s, and simultaneously a genre film of Austrian postwar history. Viennese folk song singers Kurt Girk and Alois Schmutzer talk about their lives in the Viennese underworld – for which they endured long jail sentences.
발트하임 왈츠
Sound Designer
거짓. 진실. 대체 가능한 사실. 이 영화는 쿠르트 발트하임 전 유엔 사무총장의 과거에 대해 세계 유대인 회의가 폭로한 내용을 분석한 작품이다. 아카이브의 자료들을 가지고 제작한 〈발트하임 왈츠〉는 반유대주의 정서와 포퓰리즘적인 프로파간다를 역으로 활용한 성공 사례를 보여준다. (2018년 제10회 DMZ국제다큐영화제) 리뷰 쿠르트 발트하임. 오스트리아 외교관 출신으로 1972년부터 81년까지 2차례에 걸쳐 UN사무총장을 지낸 이 입지전적 인물은 1986년 오스트리아 대선 출마 이후 제2차 세계대전 당시 나치 독일군 장교로 복무한 사실이 알려져 상당한 곤욕을 치른다. 대통령 선거가 막바지로 접어든 1986년 5월, 감독이 비디오카메라로 직접 찍은 발트하임 반대 시위 장면에서 출발하는 는 발트하임이 나치에 협력한 과거가 알려진 이후부터 대통령에 당선되기까지, 발트하임을 둘러싼 사건을 기록한 영상을 연대순으로 정리해 보여준다. 발트하임의 과거에 대한 전 세계적인 비판과 압박에도 불구하고 오스트리아의 대다수 언론과 국민들은 이를 묵인했고 발트하임을 오스트리아 대통령으로 당선시킨다. 아카이브 푸티지를 통해 30년 전 발트하임을 둘러싼 논란들을 냉철하고 가감 없는 시선으로 열거하고 보여주는 가 발트하임 사건을 다시 거론한 이유는 다음과 같겠다. 누군가를 잠깐 속이거나 몇몇 사람들은 항상 속일 수는 있겠지만, 모든 사람을 항상 속일 수는 없다. 발트하임이 대통령이 된 이후, 오스트리아는 한동안 국제적 왕따 신세를 면하지 못했고, 최근에는 유럽에서 가장 극우화된 국가가 되었다. 1986년 발트하임 사건을 복기하면서 오스트리아 정치지형의 역사를 가늠하게 하는 지적인 영화다. (2018년 제10회 DMZ국제다큐영화제/권진경)
High Performance – Mandarinen lügen nicht
Rudi wears a suit, Daniel rides a bike. But despite all the differences between the two brothers, they become interested in the same woman. For different reasons, however - as Nora soon discovers...A comedy with depths, about loyalty, family ties and manipulation.
The Shine of Day
Phillip Hochmair is a young, successful actor with engagements at big theatres in Vienna and Hamburg. His life is marked by learning new texts by heart, rehearsals, and performances, thus gradually losing contact with the reality of everyday life. Only when he meets his uncle Walter, whom he didn't know about before and establishes an ambiguous friendship with, and also faces his neighbour Victor’s destiny, he discovers with full force how cruel the daily battle for survival can be.
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Sound Mixer