Visual Effects Producer
Val has reached a place where he feels the only way out is to end things. But he considers himself a bit of a failure—his effectiveness lacking—so he figures he could use some help. As luck would have it, Val’s best friend, Kevin, is recovering from a failed suicide attempt, so he seems like the perfect partner for executing this double suicide plan. But before they go, they have some unfinished business to attend to.
Visual Effects Producer
Three boys and one girl get sent off to Captain Bill's military school to learn how to respect others and be disciplined.
Visual Effects Producer
1950년대 디트로이트, 한 삼류 범죄 집단이 단순한 문서를 훔치는 일에 고용된다. 간단하게 끝날 줄 알았던 계획이 범행 도중 예기치 못하게 틀어지게 되자 누군가 다른 목적을 위해 자신들을 이용했다는 사실을 알게 되고, 계획을 틀어 자신들을 고용한 사람이 누군지 그 배후의 진실을 추격하게 되는데...
Visual Effects Producer
노예였던 `그린`은 가족을 건드린 백인들을 살해한 후 도망자 신세가 된다. 여러 번의 죽을 고비를 넘긴 그는, 노예 해방을 위해 싸우는 `브라운` 부자를 만나게 되면서 새로운 꿈을 가지게 된다. 한편 악명 높은 현상금 사냥꾼 `멕케브`는 도망친 `그린`을 잡기 위해 끈질기게 추격해 오는데… 진짜 영웅의 거짓말 같은 이야기가 펼쳐진다!
Kevin has sworn off sex to win back his former fiancée when he meets a beautiful escort named Zade. Over the course of a legendary party, Zade just might provide the spark that this heartbroken idealist needs to turn his life around.