Hideaki Sasaki

참여 작품

Where is Tomorrow, Shuji Terayama
The documentary to find the "true Shuji Terayama".
I've Heard the Ammonite Murmur
Art Direction
Ammonites were a kind of snail-like precursor to today's mollusks, common in the seas of the Cretaceous period, many millions of years ago. They are among the most commonly found fossils, so they must have been extremely plentiful. In this meditative and largely unstructured first feature, a young geologist is traveling by train to visit his sister in the countryside after having received a disturbing and mysterious letter from her. As he travels, he remembers his childhood fixation with rocks, nurtured by his mother, and his very strong affection for his sister.
책을 버리고 거리로 나가자
마사루는 날아다니는 몽상에 잠기는 것이 취미다. 그를 제외한 그의 다른 가족 구성원들은 사회적으로나 경제적으로 자신이 처한 운명에 순종하며 살아간다. 반면 새로움을 꿈꾸는 마사루는 자신이 처한 상황에서 벗어나기 위해 안간힘을 쓴다. 하지만 대신 그가 얻는 것은 자신의 삶과 세계에 대한 크나큰 환멸뿐이다.