Thibault de Montalembert

Thibault de Montalembert

출생 : 1962-02-10, Laval, Mayenne, France


Thibault Charles Marie Septime de Montalembert (born 10 February 1962) is a French theatre, film and television actor. He is perhaps best known for his roles in the television series The Tunnel (2013–2018) and Call My Agent! (2015–present). He was a resident of the Comédie-Française from 1994 to 1996. Source: Article "Thibault de Montalembert" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.

프로필 사진

Thibault de Montalembert
Thibault de Montalembert

참여 작품

서부 전선 이상 없다
General Ferdinand Foch
제1차 세계대전 당시 서부전선에서 싸운 독일군 청년의 강렬한 이야기. 젊은 사병과 전우들은 참호 속에서 사투를 벌이며, 처음 전쟁에 대해 느꼈던 환상과 도취감이 어떻게 절망과 공포로 변해가는지를 생생하게 체험한다.
Paul Sauvage
King, a trafficked lion cub, escapes from the airport and takes refuge with Inès and Alex, who then have the crazy idea of getting him back to Africa. Anything can happen when Max their kooky grandfather, decides to join the adventure.
동네 복싱장에서 청소부로 일하며 지긋지긋한 매일을 보내던 알렉스. 우연히 초등학교 동창을 만나고, 자신의 오랜 꿈을 기억해낸다. 좌충우돌 미스 프랑스 도전기! 한계를 뛰어넘은 당당한 발걸음이 시작된다.
Politiquement correct
더 킹: 헨리 5세
King Charles VI
잉글랜드 왕의 후계자가 될 생각은 조금도 없는 방탕한 왕자, 할. 그는 왕궁을 등진 채 민중들과 어울려 지내고 있다. 하지만 아버지가 돌아가신 후 장남인 그는 헨리 5세로 즉위하고, 그동안 그토록 피하고 싶었던 삶을 살 수밖에 없다. 왕궁 내 정치와 혼란, 아버지가 남긴 전쟁을 이끌어가야 하는 젊은 왕. 뿐만 아니라 그는 가장 친한 친구이자 멘토였지만 이제는 늙은 알코올중독자가 되어버린 기사 존 폴스타프를 포함해, 과거의 삶과 관련된 감정들로 괴로워한다.
Meurtres en Haute-Savoie
Pierre Garibaldi
“이상하구나, 네 그림을 보고 있으면 내가 그대가 된 것 같아. 마치 그대의 눈으로 내가 나를 바라보는 듯해.” 서양식 초상화로 그려진 건륭제의 부인, 계황후. 그런 그녀를 그린 서양의 화가, 아티레 수사. 캔버스 하나를 사이에 두고 둘의 아슬아슬한 관계가 그려지기 시작한다.
A divorced teacher suddenly becomes jealous of everyone, including her daughter, friends and neighbors.
Aurore has separated, just lost her job, and learns that she is going to be a grandmother.
For This Is My Body
Le manager
This is the story of an encounter. An encounter between a groupie and the rock star she has always worshipped, This is a story of fascination and despair. She has loved him for many years, idolized his every move, lived for his songs. He is a shell. Scarred, alcoholic and paranoid, ruined by success. They find each other one morning, in a hotel room. He needs to be saved and all she wants is to protect him.
Etienne Deshaies
The aquatic adventure of the highly influential and fearlessly ambitious pioneer, innovator, filmmaker, researcher, and conservationist, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, covers roughly thirty years of an inarguably rich in achievements life.
설레는 첫 키스, 달콤 쌉싸름한 결혼, 엄마가 된 기쁨, 소중한 이와의 이별, 눈부시게 찬란한 세 여인의 사랑과 삶을 만나다!
Jules Moy
19세기 말 벨 에포크 시대. 퇴물 취급을 받던 광대 ‘푸티트’(제임스 티에레)는 새로운 무대를 구상하던 중 식인종을 연기하는 흑인 광대 ‘쇼콜라’(오마 사이)를 만나 콤비를 이룰 것을 제안한다. 모두에게 실패할 것이라 무시당한 그들의 첫 무대는 큰 성공을 이루고, 두 사람은 최고의 권위인 프랑스 파리 누보 서커스단에 스카우트되어 전성기를 누린다. 더 큰 무대와 완벽한 연기를 꿈꾸는 ‘푸티트’와 달리 파리의 화려한 생활과 명성에 취해 방황하는 ‘쇼콜라’. 두 콤비의 쇼가 유명해질수록 이들의 우정은 점점 위태로워지는데… 꿈과 예술의 도시 파리를 사로잡은 두 광대의 환상적인 실화! 그들의 황금빛 무대로 지금 당신을 초대합니다!
The Great Zoo of Mr. Vanel
At Vanel's zoo, there is Rafael, Ludovic and the elegant Mr. Vanel. There is also Philippe, the little monkey, and a very discreet panda, not to mention the Dutch tourists. When Marthe, the young and inexperienced accountant arrives to save the zoo's finances, she has no idea of the strange world she is entering into. That's because Mr. Vanel's zoo is not exactly an ordinary zoo.
Drumont, histoire d'un antisémite français
Alphonse Daudet
Accident de Parcours
Commissaire Lambert
Martin Itzinger
Léa lives in Le Havre, where she attends college whilst taking care of her elderly grandmother. To make ends meet, she works as a waitress in a night club. Her admittance to the Institute of Political Studies in Paris offers her new opportunities, but at a high price. Léa finds work as a striptease artist, so that each evening she can put into practice the theory of economic liberalism which she learns by day...
프랑스군의 세티프 양민 학살 사건 및 알제리 독립운동을 다룬 올해 칸영화제 최고의 화제작. 1920년대 식민치하의 알제리. 사이드, 메사우드, 압델카데르 삼형제는 아버지가 농지 소유권을 강탈당하는 것을 본다. 20여 년이 지난 1945년 5월 8일, 가족들이 정착한 세티프에서 대량학살이 발생한다. (2010년 제15회 부산국제영화제)
Teen Spirit: Teenagers and Hollywood
Teen movies have had a great impact on the movie industry - especially in the 80s. This documentary takes a closer look at the genre's origins and the impact it has made up till today.
Un viol
Maître Taïeb
An Indian delegation, headed by Kuldip Badhwar, is going to Cateneau's French power plant to negotiate the purchase of four new generation nuclear reactors. Before signing the contract, the Indian representative requires guarantees on the safety of the installations and requests an emergency shutdown test of the reactor. But a succession of incidents occur and seem to turn to disaster.
영광의 날들
Capitaine Martin
어머니의 만류에도 불구하고 프랑스를 위해 군대에 지원한 알제리 청년 사이드. 한 전투에서 자신의 목숨을 구해준 '마르티네즈' 하사의 당번병이 된다. 오직 진급이 목표인 '압델카데르' 하사, 동생 결혼식을 위해 죽은 병사들의 호주머니를 뒤지는 불 같은 성격의 '야시르' 그리고 아름다운 프랑스 여인과 사랑에 빠진 '메사우드' 등 토착민 출신 병사들은 고된 훈련을 참아내며 계속되는 전투에서 승리를 거둔다. 하지만 식사와 진급, 편지검열 등 토착민 병사에 대한 불평등이 계속되고 '압델카데르'가 또다시 진급에서 밀려나자 프랑스 군인과 토착민 병사들 사이의 불신은 더욱 깊어진다. 결국 '사이드’를 비롯한 그의 동료들은 소기의 성과를 거둬 자신들의 정당한 권리를 찾고 그리운 고향으로 금의환향 하기 위해 독일군 점령하에 놓인 알자스 마을에 침투, 독일군과의 힘겨운 전투를 시작하게 되는데...
잘 있으니까 걱정 말아요
Le psychiatre
여행에서 돌아온 "릴리"는 쌍둥이 동생 "로이"가 집을 나갔음을 알게된다. 릴리는 로이에게 계속 메세지를 남기지만 아무런 소식이 없고 릴리의 눈치만 살필뿐 시원스레 이유를 말해주지않는 부모님과 소식이 없는 동생의 걱정으로 그녀는 음식도 거부한채 하루하루 말라가기만 한다. 급기야 정신병동에 입원을 하게된 릴리. 병원의 어떤 처방으로도 아무런 진척을 보이지않던 그녀는 어느날 도착한 로이의 편지로 인해 다시금 힘을 내기 시작한다. 퇴원을 한 후 자신의 삶을 살아가는 릴리.. 여전히 아들을 찾으려는 노력을 하지않는 부모..회신할 수 있는 주소도 없이 주기적으로 날아오는 동생의 편지.. 그녀는 믿고 싶지 않은 진실이 숨어있음을 조금씩 인식하게 된다. 슬픔에 빠져있을 새도 없이 남은 자식의 상처를 걱정하는 부모... 잔잔하게 흐르는 음악과 서로를 배려하는 눈빛들이 따뜻함을 느끼게 하는 영화다.
Le Conseiller du Roi
Once upon a time there was a kingdom where dancing was forbidden by a tyrant king. Defying the edict of her father, the Princess Aurore continues to dance, for the amusement of herself and brother, Solal. With the kingdom virtually bankrupt, the King has no choice but to marry his daughter to a wealthy prince. As preparations are made for a ball that will set the seal on the marriage, the princess discovers that she is in love.
Sindromul Timișoara
Julien le Bris
A perspective on the Romanian revolution which started in Timișoara.
Shimkent hôtel
Le Docteur de Montalembert
Shimkent hôtel tells the story of a young man who's experienced the failure of a business venture in the Afghan mountains, and who suffers from shock in Kazakhstan.
In My Skin
Esther's life is panning out nicely. She will soon move in with her boyfriend Vincent and she seems set to get a permanent position at the public relations company where she freelances. All would be fine if Esther didn't accidentally discover a piercing curiosity about her own body.
Jacques Laurent made pornographic films in the 1970s and '80s, but had put that aside for 20 years. His artistic ideas, born of the '60s counter-culture, had elevated the entire genre. Older and paunchier, he is now directing a porno again. Jacques's artistry clashes with his financially-troubled producer's ideas about shooting hard-core sex. Jacques has been estranged from his son Joseph for years, since the son first learned the nature of the family business. They are now speaking again. Joseph and his friends want to recapture the idealism of 1968 with a protest. Separated from his wife, Jacques strives for personal renewal with plans to build a new house by himself...
Un cœur oublié
Monsieur de Vallières
Monsieur de Fontenelle has resisted feelings of love and passion all his life, but at an advanced age he meets a young woman who makes him discover the feeling he has always wanted to ignore: love.
The Dark Room
In 14th-century France, Aliénor breaks with the codes governing girls’ behavior and does as she wishes. The King of France grants her the hand of her childhood love, but her new husband deserts her immediately after the ceremony. Undeterred, she sets out after him, traveling to Siena to bring him back.
Le pont du trieur
Radio speaker
“Le Pont du Trieur”, co-written by de Meaux and Philippe Parreno, with an original score by Dave Stewart, is set in Pamir, a region situated in the highest part of Tajikistan, at the border between Afghanistan and China. This is a strategic zone controlled by various armies in the midst of a region that awaits reconstruction. The film stems from the simple question of how to tell the story of a country of which the West is deprived of images. Both fiction and documentary, it is about reality and the means of telling it.
Vive nous!
When Valérie's husband Yves confesses he's in love with another woman, she happens into a judo club and begins lessons. She likes it, she's a natural, and she's attracted to Bruno, the quiet instructor. He likes her as well, but sees social class as a barrier, and Yves never seems to be too far away. Valérie's two close friends have their own stories: Annette is continuously looking for a husband, with little luck. Clara cares more about wealth and power, and takes up with the country's finance minister, an older man who flips for her. Meanwhile, Yves's lover doesn't seem in a hurry to leave her husband, so Valérie looks good to him from time to time. Will Bruno ever make a move?
Voleur de coeur
On the platform of a train station, the pretty Laurence is waiting for her fiancé. They have planned to go to Venice, but the young woman waits for hours for Prince Charming, who never comes. Meanwhile, Bruno Lombart, who lives on petty theft, has decided to lock his son Timothée in Laurence's apartment. The little boy's mission is to steal as many objects as possible. When the young woman returns home, disappointed, she is surprised to find little Timothy! He explains to her that if he doesn't bring back any booty from his expedition, he will be beaten. Out of pity, Laurence gives him a few trinkets, then drops him off in the street after having given him her coordinates...
A French woman falls in love with a Yugoslavian man, not realizing that he is an illegal immigrant.
Les Infortunes de la beauté
This romantic comedy from France explores the misadventures of several friends looking for love and trying to define beauty. Daphne is a lovely women who is nonetheless unsure about her looks, compounded by the fact that she's fallen in love with Vincent, who has a policy of only dating models. Daphne's best friend Celine comes up with an idea -- she'll get her pal Jacques to paint a nude portrait of Daphne. When Vincent sees the painting, he'll be more attracted to the woman who posed for it, leading him to her doorstep. But of course, it isn't quite that simple.
The City
Ali, an aspiring actor, works in a government-aided butchery, and takes a part in a cheap play, while his father wants him to start working in fruit trade. Ali pursues his long-lived dream of traveling abroad and flies to France with an acting troupe, where he starts living illegally alongside many other Arabs, and starts a life-changing experience that he won't remember fully until he returns to Egypt.
Premier de cordée : la grande crevasse
Walter von Drexel
American Cuisine
Following his discharge from the Navy for hitting a superior officer, Loren takes a chance and moves to France, to learn haute cuisine under a four star chef...
Premier de cordée
Walter von Drexel
Premier de Cordee begins as Zian, a young man who has traveled from his birthplace in the Alps to Paris, returns to his family home just as his father, a mountain guide, dies after being struck by lightning. Zian has chosen to carry on in his father's work, although he's very much aware of the dangers involved. Along with the death of his father, he's also been confronted with the sad fate of his best friend, who went into the mountains to rescue Ruspoli, the rich client stranded by the death of Zian's father. When the young man returned, it was discovered he had lost his toes to frostbite. However, Zian is determined to become a guide, and he soon wins the attentions of Ruspoli's daughter, Bianca, even though her socially prominent family is not happy that she's become involved with a poverty-stricken mountaineer. A climbing accident leaves Zian with a chronic case of vertigo that threatens his new career, but with Bianca's help he sets his sights on conquering Mount Blanc.
The Infidels
The story takes place in an around Lebanon. It concerns Farid, a repentant Islamic fundamentalist and Charles, a French diplomat. Farid is prepared to give the French secret service a list of names of terrorists operating in France on the condition that they liberate a friend of his imprisoned in France. The deal is complicated by the fact that Farid and Charles are irresistably attracted to each other, which inflames great jealously in Charles' wife, Juliette, estranging the couple.
러브 에세트라
A triangle: love, obsession, and choice. Pierre, a ladies' man who has little cash and no fixed residence, describes his best friend Benoît as the world's oldest 32-year-old. The shy, well-employed Benoît's life changes when he answers the personal ad of Marie, a 25-year-old who restores paintings. He's attracted to her and she likes his steady calm and his honest attention. They're soon a couple, and they include Pierre in their dinners, outings, and trips. What will happen when Pierre realizes that he too is in love with Marie?
나의 성생활: 나는 어떻게 싸웠는가
대학강사 폴 데달루스는 인생의 갈림길에 서 있다. 박사과정을 끝내지도 않았고, 교직에는 흥미가 없지만 그만두는 것은 무섭다. 게다가 10년 동안 만난 에스테르와의 관계를 끝낼 때라고 확신한다. 그의 결정은 반성과 로맨스 그리고 변화의 소용돌이를 가져온다.
대통령의 연인들
소위 많이 알려진 사람들의 사생활은 비교적 잘 보호되어 있다. 특히 정치가들의 사생활은 때론 정치생활에 치명타가 될 수도 있기에 철저하게 베일에 가려진 경우가 많다. 미국의 제 3대 대통령이었던 토마스 제퍼슨의 사생활. 실제 제퍼슨은 아내와 사별한 후 독신으로 살았다는 것이 정설이지만, 영화는 그가 아내와 사별한 후 연인을 사귀었고, 또 노예에게도 빠져 들었다는 이야기를 한다. 제퍼슨의 인생에서 유일하고도 전부인 여자가 되고 싶었던 딸은 아버지의 행동에서 혼란을 겪는다. 1780년 파리에서 미국 대사로 재직하던 제퍼슨의 이러한 사생활을 중심으로 영화는 이야기를 풀어간다. '미국 민주주의의 아버지'라고 불리는 제퍼슨조차 인간적 상황을 벗어날 수 없다? 어떤 인간도 사랑이라는 의식적이지 않은 함정을 피해갈 수 없다고 한다면, 한펀으로는 착잡하고 한편으로는 흥미진진하지 않은가? (최상희)
Henry's Romance
Henri le Vert / Heinrich
It is carnival time in Munich and participants are overindulging in alcohol and sensual pleasures. "Follow us into madness" beckons Lys who is drunk on life, but the sensitive Henry does not follow him. Lys has betrayed his fiancé, as Henry once betrayed his lost love Anna. In memory of Anna and his cruel Dickensian childhood, Henry challenges Lys to a duel to try to appease his guilt.
The Sentinel
A medical intern finds himself drawn into a world of international intrigue after discovering a shrunken human head in his luggage.
Life of the Dead
Christian McGillis
A young woman convenes with her extended family in a provincial village where her cousin, in a coma, is hospitalized after attempting suicide.
Lola Zipper
With his job in the balance, Gérard bets his boss that he can transform bad-tempered street person Lola into television star material. With the inducement of stardom as his lure, he takes Lola in hand and becomes her instructor, sending her to ballet and acting classes, where she misbehaves. Most of her petulance is reserved for Gérard, however, but in the tradition of Pretty Woman and My Fair Lady, in the end he gets the girl and a new star -- in the same package.
Hôtel de France
A French family is shown as they go through the daily routines of life. Arguing, feasting, crying, and yearning for love are just some of the human emotions encountered. The mood wavers between excessive noise to silence while those not participating in the conversations eavesdrop.
Winter Allegro
Vladimir Borovitch
My Mother's Wedding
Three sisters return to their home for the third wedding of their twice-widowed mother. But the mother and daughters are forced to revisit the past and confront the future, with help from a colorful group of unexpected wedding guests