Marielle Robaut

Marielle Robaut

프로필 사진

Marielle Robaut

참여 작품

Comme par magie
Costume Design
Victor, a young magician on the rise, raises his daughter Lison alone. But Jacques, his whimsical stepfather, interferes in the girl's education against his wishes. An unlikely pairing that will have as its referee Nina, Victor's childhood friend, with a strong character.
Celles qui restent
Costume Design
90 years old Suzanne, sharp and bright as a young woman, has just lost her lifelong mate. Her daughter and two granddaughters show up to comfort her. In this moment of grief, these four women let out their infinite tenderness and deep connections, in spite of unforgotten grudges.
Costume Design
For the "story of the month," Coline, a contributor to a women's magazine, is sent deep into the Pyrenees to interview Simon, a rather wild artist who claims his mother appeared to him at the precise moment she died. Coline is particularly intrigued since her beautiful neighbor Azar insists the same thing happened with her father! On the night they meet, Simon attempts to seduce Coline, who resists but falls in love...
Costume Design
A playwright encounters a mysterious woman when he takes shelter in a chalet during a violent snowstorm and becomes obsessed with her.
You Go To My Head
Costume Design
Following a mysterious car accident in the desert, Dafne suffers from post-traumatic amnesia. Jake, the first person she sees when she regains consciousness, tells her he's her husband.
라이트 히어, 라이트 나우
Costume Design
Nora is a bright young professional whose new job at a financial firm turns out to be a trial by fire when she learns that her bosses share a tumultuous history with her prickly mathematician father. Meanwhile, an interoffice romance with a competitive colleague leads to even more complications, leaving Nora to navigate a minefield of delicate relationships as she climbs the corporate ladder.
Looking for Hortense
Costume Design
Damien is a professor of Chinese civilization who lives with his wife, Iva, a theater director, and their son Noé. Their love is mired in a mountain of routine and disenchantment. To help keep Zorica from getting deported, Iva gets Damien to promise he’ll go to his father, a state department official, for help. But Damien and his father have a distant and cool relationship. And this mission is a risky business which will send Damien spiraling downward and over the edge...
신과 인간
Costume Design
1996년 알제리 산골 수도원. 그 곳에 신과 인간 사이에서 숭고한 신념을 지켜낸 7명의 수도사와 1명의 의사가 있었다. 그들은 의료지원에서 고민상담까지, 가난한 마을 사람들의 몸과 마음의 상처를 치유해 주며 종교를 뛰어넘는 사랑으로 마을 사람들과 평화롭게 지낸다. 하지만 이슬람근본주의자들에 의한 내전사태가 심화되면서 평화롭던 생활은 위기에 빠진다. 신을 영접하는 수도사로 신의 사랑과 믿음을 몸소 실천하려 하지만 그들 역시 인간이기에 생명을 위협하는 폭력이 두렵다. 이제 그들은 신을 따르기 위해 수도원에 남아야 할지 안정된 삶을 쫓아 떠나야 할지, 삶과 신념을 사이에 둔 중대한 선택의 순간을 맞이하게 되는데…
The New World
Costume Design
When her biological clock starts ticking, Lucie tells her lesbian lover, Marion, that she wants a baby. Marion agrees, and the couple embarks on the delicate process of finding a suitable father -- eventually settling on Marion's old pal Hugo. Lucie and Marion's unconventional path to pregnancy elicits a full range of reactions from their friends and family in this charming French comedy.
The Great Alibi
Costume Design
Like every weekend senator Henri Pagès and his wife entertain guests at their beautiful mansion in a peaceful village near Paris. But this time around, things go awry: Pierre Collier, a psychoanalyst and consummate womanizer, is brutally murdered. Claire, his wife, dazed and confused by his corpse, with a smoking gun still in her hand, seems to be the ideal culprit...
신참 경찰
Costume Design
경찰학교 졸업 후 막 파리로 배치를 받은 신참경찰 앙트완은 새로운 생활에 대한 기대로 부풀어있다. 한편 알코올 중독으로 휴직했다가 복직한 캐롤린 역시 다시는 술을 마시지 않겠다는 의지를 다진다. 캐롤린의 부하로 일하게 된 앙트완은 어느 날 은행 강도 사건을 맡는다.
Don't Do That!
Costume Design
Joël is jealous and violent. After one crisis too many, Nicole, his young wife, returns to live with her parents with their three-year-old son. Joël hangs on, begs, threatens. One day, he kidnaps the little boy.
In My Skin
Costume Design
Esther's life is panning out nicely. She will soon move in with her boyfriend Vincent and she seems set to get a permanent position at the public relations company where she freelances. All would be fine if Esther didn't accidentally discover a piercing curiosity about her own body.
Savage Souls
Costume Design
At a wake one night in 1945, a group of aged women recall the life of one of their number. Sixty years before, Thérèse was barely 20 years old when she eloped with her boyfriend, Firmin, a blacksmith, to Châtillon, a town in Provence. Here, she makes the acquaintance of the wealthy Madame Numance, who is known for her good deeds. Realising that Thérèse is pregnant and unemployed, Madame Numance insists that she moves into a house on her estate. Whilst Firmin resents the arrangement, Thérèse soon finds that she can exploit the situation, using her benefactor's naivety and generosity for her own gain..
Tendre piège
Costume Design
The engagement of a young couple is spoiled by the antics of their relatives.
Off Season
Costume Design
The formerly great Swiss hotel which Valentin's family owned when he was a boy has been emptied and is about to be torn down. He revisits the magical site's empty halls and ballrooms.