Yuliya Yanovskaya

참여 작품

God of Japan
Executive Producer
Based on "In a Grove" by Akutagawa Rynoske. One shiny summer day the investigation group comes at former quarry check of indications of accused, witnesses and victims of the murder and the rape took place there half a year ago.
God of Japan
Based on "In a Grove" by Akutagawa Rynoske. One shiny summer day the investigation group comes at former quarry check of indications of accused, witnesses and victims of the murder and the rape took place there half a year ago.
Жили-были мы
최전선의 전투력이 무너진 러시아군은 최후의 수단으로 특수 부대를 창설하기로 한다. 목숨을 건 지옥 훈련 끝에 탄생한 러시아군 최정예 특수 부대. 지원병력의 부족으로 러시아군의 전멸 직전 상황에 몰리자 전쟁의 판도를 뒤집기 위해 특수 부대는 단독 진격을 시작한다!
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Aleksey must decide what's better for him - a regular life with his fiancé Alyona or adventurous life with a famous journalist Irina.
The Movie about Alekseev
general's wife
The film is a journey through the amazing life of Alekseyev. He drank tea with Tarkovsky, got into the KGB because of Gagarin, competed with Kalashnikov and Vysotsky. One day, he will learn more about himself than he knew and could have imagined: about his talent, about the mark that he left in the destinies of other people. You can live your life again if someone loves you.
Напрасная жертва
Татьяна Олеговна, клиентка
It happens that any small thing can turn a life one hundred and eighty degrees. That's the life of Nina flowed habitually and comfortably: a loved one, a beautiful house and ahead - a cloudless future ... ... The quarrel broke out instantly - it cost Nina only to say taht she desires to get a baby. Furious Gleb, whose plans did not include diapers and sleepless nights, flies out of the house, but soon he returns completely lost and frightened - he just hit a man and fled the crime scene. That night their new life began ...
A young girl dreaming to become an actress goes through hell with an orphan baby on her hands. The whole world seems to be against her. She meets the love of her life when there is no one to stand by her.
죽음이라는 이름의 기수
20세기 초 러시아, 조지는 사회주의 혁명활동을 벌이는 지하조직을 이끌며 러시아 전역에서 차르 체제의 고위 인사들을 암살한다. 그러나 이들은 가장 큰 임무였던 세르게이 알렉산드로비치 대공의 암살에 실패하게 되고, 혁명이라는 대의로 묶여 있던 개인들의 숨겨져 있던 욕망들이 하나씩 드러난다. 20세기 폭력의 역사에 대한 고찰을 담고 있는 웅장한 서사극으로, 러시아 혁명기의 혁명가이자 문필가였던 보리스 사빈코프의 자전적인 소설을 원작으로 하고 있다. - 제1회 충무로국제영화제
Bless the Woman
General's wife
Tiny Soviet village by the sea, in the years before the Second World War... A very young girl, Vera, falls madly in love with an older military officer who is visiting from out of town. She leaves her home and family to live with him in various military posts where he serves with the army. Through the difficulties of army life, and years of war, her love for this older man survives, and she gives herself completely without reservation. This film is about friendship, loss, survival, loyalty, and the wonderful gift of unconditional love, which is only given to a few.