Richard L. Olsen

Richard L. Olsen

프로필 사진

Richard L. Olsen

참여 작품

조시아가 본 것
Sheriff Dowd
비극적 사건이 일어났던 윌로우 로드의 그라함 농장. 모든 가족이 떠난 농장엔 아버지 조시아와 막내아들 토마스만이 남아있다. 어느 날 조시아는 저승의 환영을 목격하고 토마스와 함께 과거를 바로잡기 위한 결심을 한다. 20년 만에 농장을 찾아온 일라이와 매리는 이 비극의 종지부를 찍기 위해 농장 부지를 팔 것을 권유한다.
유전: 더 제네시스
The Older Man
8년째 비가 내리지 않은 미국. 사람들은 세상의 종말이 올까 두려워하고 물의 가격은 천정부지로 치솟는다. 초능력자 루스는 자신의 능력을 이용하려는 정부로부터 쫓기는 신세가 되고, 더는 도망갈 곳이 없게 되자 오래전에 떠났던 가족의 집으로 돌아간다. 하지만 루스의 엄마인 보는 딸을 반기기는커녕 손녀인 라일라가 위험에 처할까 봐 걱정하는데...
Older Policeman
1960년 미국 몬태나. 14살 소년 ‘조’(에드 옥슨볼드)가 부모와 이사를 온다. 어느 날, 아빠(제이크 질렌할)는 산불 진화 작업을 하러 떠나고 ‘조’는 엄마(캐리 멀리건)와 단둘이 남게 된다. 갑작스러운 변화가 낯선 가족들, 첫 눈이 내리면 모든 게 제자리로 돌아올까?
디 아이언 오차드
Mr. Naylor
Jim McNeely thrust into the vibrant and brutal West Texas oilfields in 1939 and works his way through the ranks to ultimately become a formidable wildcatter.
힐러리의 아메리카: 민주당의 비밀의 역사
Sen. Charles Sumner
미 대선을 앞두고 힐러리 클린턴과 민주당의 비밀을 밝히고자 제작된 저예산 다큐멘터리. 그러나 조작된 자료를 바탕으로 제작된 '흠집내기용' 다큐멘터리라는 혹평을 받았다.
Hell's Fury: Wanted Dead or Alive
'Sagebrush' Sam Johnson
A devoted daughter attempts to save her father's ranch, but realizes she will have to choose between love and the truth while fighting the greedy banker who seeks to foreclose on the property. Rancher Everet Cates is preparing to sell of his top horses when banker Samuel Mortimer sets his sights on the family business. Desperate, Everet's son Bowie botches his attempt to steal the mine payroll, prompting his feisty sister Eryn to steal his disguise, and misdirect the posse. Meanwhile, as Eryn embraces her newfound freedom outside the law, Mortimer begins using the bandit as a patsy in a scheme to steal his own money back. Later, when a pair of Texas Rangers shows up to investigate the case, Eryn finds herself falling for the same lawman who seeks to throw the bandit in prison, and prepares to make the most difficult decision of her life.
Set in rural Texas the story chronicles an unnamed man with a broken spirit. In the beginning we see him returning to his family. Where he’s been is unknown. Wherever it was – prison, maybe war – the years have not been kind to him. In spite of his family’s warm welcome the man can’t shake an anger that builds in him so he must leave them again. This time to return to the land that was once theirs, a land that had been in the family for generations, a land that has been stolen, plundered, and sewn with seeds of greed. There’s a force at work, a corruption that destroys homes, nature, families, and memories. The Man decides to lay his stakes down and pits himself against it all. He is on a ruinous mission to sate the hatred in his heart with the knife he carries in his hand.
Searching for Sonny
Detective Williams
Reunited friends find themselves the chief suspects of a murder mystery that seems eerily similar to a play they performed in high school.
St. Nick
Church Caretaker
St. Nick is the story of a brother and sister on the run. They've left their home for some unknown reason and are living in the woods, hiding in barns and sheds, doing what they can to survive. As the bitter Texas winter sets in, they strike up residence in an abandoned country house and, for a brief, happy period, manage to escape the harsh realities of their circumstances.
Blood on the Highway
Old Zeke
On their way to a rock concert, Carrie, her boyfriend Sam, and Bone, her thug ex-boyfriend, get lost and wind up in Fate, Texas – a town populated by bloodthirsty, dimwitted vampires. Featuring genre favorites Nicholas Brendon and Tom Towles.
The Many Strange Stories Of Triangle Woman
Dr. Haskins
Triangle Woman takes you on a narrative odyssey of a series of ten short stories ranging from the grotesque, the weird, the perplexingly absurd, and the ridiculously silly. A bit of an odd character, Triangle Woman has kept these stories locked up in her head for many years. The film includes stories about a man whose finger rapidly deteriorates and the impending consequences; a nice lady who really isn't that nice; an old woman who talks backwards; an employment agency that has a man-toy named Mr. Brombellarella; among other stories. Triangle Woman is the thread that binds all of the stories together, and she imprints her bizarreness throughout the entire film.