Travis LaBella

참여 작품

Rulon Gardner Won't Die
The astonishing true story of Rulon Gardner, a dairy farmer from Wyoming who shocked the world at the Sydney Olympics, overcoming 2000 to 1 odds by defeating a Russian wrestler who hadn't lost a single match in 13 years. Months after winning his gold medal, Rulon's toe was amputated from severe frostbite after a near-death wilderness stranding in sub-zero temperatures. Then with 9 toes - and after surviving a near-fatal motorcycle accident, Rulon won another medal at the next Olympics, only to survive a plane crash by swimming two miles in a freezing lake. Finally, after ballooning to 500 lbs., Rulon won America's heart competing on a season of The Biggest Loser only to lose his life savings and retreat into obscurity after getting swindled in a real estate deal that cost him his Olympic medals.
클로디아 키시 클럽
Director of Photography
마틴의 소설, 〈베이비시터 클럽〉에 등장하는 아시아계 미국인 캐릭터 인 '클라우디아 키시'를 탐구하고 소녀에게 찬사를 보내는 영상물
Ava in the End
Director of Photography
A woman's accidental death quickly leads to her waiting for the next life to begin.
Director of Photography
A daytime horror about the earthly forces around us that impact our lives but we aren't aware of - or choose to ignore. The story concerns a young boy who discovers a strange figurine. Its mysterious effect on his family suggests it could be a harbinger of larger consequence.
Director of Photography
A cosmic archaeologist journeys through space and time to capture evidence of a forgotten Earth.
히든 서스펙트
경찰 윌은 야간근무 중 늘 들르는 식당에 커피를 마시러 간다. 하지만 평소와 달리 식당 안에는 심상치 않은 공기가 흐르고, 위기 상황을 감지한 윌은 몰래 동료 반스에게 도움을 요청한다. 사실 반스는 식당 금고에 숨겨진 부패경찰리스트를 빼돌리기 위해 하수인 데릭을 보내놓은 상태. 데릭은 손님들을 인질로 잡은 채 때를 기다리는데, 우발적인 총격전이 발생하자 상황은 순식간에 악화된다. 반스는 우연히 인질에 포함된 전과자 닉을 인질극의 용의자로 몰고 가고, 닉은 누명을 벗기 위해 사건의 배후를 파헤치는데..
When a college student returns home to share some big news with his parents, the outcome isn't what anyone expected.