Patricia Cartier

Patricia Cartier

프로필 사진

Patricia Cartier

참여 작품

Le Joli cœur
Frank and Bernard share the same apartment and both work in the same tourist agency. Bernard drives the coach through the streets of Paris and Frank is the guide. The driver longs for a family life but he is not lucky with girls. So he asks his friend, who is a womanizer, to help him find at last his better half. Frank winds up in a hospital and falls for the shrink, Nina. Faithful to his pal, Frank comes to his rescue but he falls in love with Nina too.
최후의 증언
Max Baumstein is a reputable businessman who founded an international organization fighting against violations of human rights. Why would he commit an act that apparently negates the principles he has striven for so long to uphold? As he is tried for first-degree murder for killing a Paraguayan ambassador in cold blood, he reveals a secret about himself that he kept hidden from his wife Lina. His act is the conclusion of a struggle that started many decades earlier in his childhood...
La Grâce
Duperrier, a model of piety, justice and charity, wakes up one day with a halo over his head, to the great despair of his wife who fears the gossip of the neighborhood. He's obliged to do everything possible to lose this gift from heaven.
Le pont japonais
The Grapes of Death
A young woman discovers that the pesticide being sprayed on vineyards is turning people into murderous lunatics.
Le chandelier
Jacqueline is married to Maître André, but is in love with her lover Clavaroche, a fiery officer stationed in the city. In order to avert Master André's suspicions about his wife's fidelity, Clavaroche suggests that Jacqueline take a "Chandelier".
노래하는 여자, 노래하지 않는 여자
1962년에서 77년에 이르기까지 약 15년 간에 걸친 두 여성 수잔과 폴린의 우정은 바로 68년 이후의 여성운동의 발전 과정과 맞물리면서 묘사된다. 우선 영화 속에서 그들은 낙태에 대한 두려움, 부모와의 갈등, 피임과 성교육, 남성과의 사랑, 임신에 대한 욕망, 가족 제도의 억압성 등과 같은 여성들에게 공통적인 경험들을 두루 거치게 된다. 그 과정은 여성에게 어떤 방식으로 종속과 억압이 가해지고, 여성성이라는 것이 얼마나 관습적인 구성물에 불과하며, 가족을 둘러싼 전통적 통념이 얼마나 이데올로기적인 것인가를 폭로하는 결과를 낳게 되고, 두 여성은 점차 여성의 정치적 힘과 상호연대의 필요성을 깨달아간다.