Dora Amorim

참여 작품

크리스마스 풀 오브 그레이스
Executive Producer
배신을 겪은 카를리뉴스는 크리스마스에 잘 알지 못하지만 재밌는 사람을 가족 저녁 식사에 데려가기로 한다. 그런데 식사 자리에 함께한 그라사는 재밌다 못해 보수적이고 점잖은 가족을 폭소와 환호에 빠뜨릴 정도로 범상치 않은 여자였으니.
Venus in Nykes
I end every session more shook than the last. Because, unlike all my other patients, he shows no discomfort whatsoever with his sexual freakishness. On the contrary. I maintain my diagnosis: acute melancholia and flight from reality. He goes so deep in his delusion sometimes that he imagines he's some kind of prophet. As if he was part of a cult.
God Has AIDS
Executive Producer
40 years after the beginning of the AIDS pandemic, seven artists and an activist doctor, all of them living with HIV, offer new images and perspectives to deal with serophobia in Brazil.
Executive Producer
In the sports court of a school, dancers rehearse under the watchful eye of a choreographer. Tensions haunt personal desires as they are observed by a rival troupe.
In the sports court of a school, dancers rehearse under the watchful eye of a choreographer. Tensions haunt personal desires as they are observed by a rival troupe.
The Other Side of The Other
Production Executive
Imagine a group of children from the favela. Compare them to a group of kids from classy apartments. Teach each group to make films. Show each film to the other group. Finally, gather the children where the two groups live, so that they can play and get to know each other as equals.
An electrical storm was created in silence.
Francisco is unhappy about his body.
Every four years, the calm and peacefull Camocim de São Félix, a small town in Pernambuco (Brazil), is shaken, revealing an outpouring of joy, anger, hope and disappointment. During the municipal political campaign, the city splits into two, and everything seems to orbit around politics. In the middle of this political market, Mayara, 23, tries to make a "clean" campaign to elect his candidate and friend Cesar.
Buried Sky
Executive Producer
Luana and Wagner's father sends a letter after years of neglect. Wagner believes his father may have changed. Not Luana.
The Daytime Doorman
After exchanging glances between "good mornings" and "good afternoons", Marcelo realizes it's time to try to go further with Márcio, the doorman in his building. Two worlds will collide through these men's bodies.
Executive Producer
노년의 클라라에게 평생을 살아온 오래된 건물 아쿠아리우스는 집 이상의 의미가 있다. 재개발을 앞두고 건설사의 회유와 이웃들의 불만이 쏟아지지만 그녀는 퇴거를 거부하고, 곧 그녀의 일상에는 의문의 위협이 찾아드는데… 집단이기주의에 맞서 싸우는 쏘냐 브래거의 열연이 돋보인다.
The World Cup in Recife
Recife, undergoing so many changes, was the scene of a party of joy and tension, sports and politics. A happy experience, but full of the contradictions that make Brazil be Brazil and here wins the face and the space of Recife.