Samantha Beckinsale

Samantha Beckinsale

출생 : 1966-07-23,

프로필 사진

Samantha Beckinsale

참여 작품

신들의 제국
서기 4세기, 로마 제국이 동서로 나뉘어 혼란을 겪는 시기에 우연히 캐서린의 지능을 발견한 막센티우스는 캐서린을 궁전에 데려간다. 하지만 캐서린이 전통적인 로마의 신들을 거부하자 분노한 철학자들은 캐서린을 감옥에 가둔다. 한편, 지휘관인 콘스탄티누스는 제국 전역으로 캐서린을 찾지만, 콘스탄티우스 황제의 회유로 군대에 남는다. 모진 고문을 받으며 자신의 신앙을 고수하던 캐서린은 결국 고통스러운 죽음을 맞이하는데...
Marian, Again
Josie Bevan
School teacher Chris Bevan is a dutiful husband to his dull wife, Josie, and ingrate daughters. His best friend knows Chris' heart always belonged to Marian, his vibrant, flippant fiancée, who mysteriously disappeared years ago. Suddenly he sees her in a shop and can't help following her. He gives up as she has a new identity, as wife of plumber Bernie Sullivan. Bernie's real passion is Houdini-era 'real' magic, while in fact she's his terrified captive, forced to replace his late assistant. Furthermore one of Bevan's daughters has a phone-relationship he forbids, deeming it dangerous on principle, ignoring this is real and ties in to Marian's plight.
Ice Dance
A pair of teenagers are determined to achieve their ambition and become professional ice skaters, alternately helped and hindered by their families and friends.