Two friends who run an online channel have embarked on the strange and unusual for years when they decide to search the deep underbelly of the dark web for something known as Dark Web Mystery Boxes. Soon they find themselves stalked by a group who run online torture rooms known online as Red Rooms.
Two friends who run an online channel have embarked on the strange and unusual for years when they decide to search the deep underbelly of the dark web for something known as Dark Web Mystery Boxes. Soon they find themselves stalked by a group who run online torture rooms known online as Red Rooms.
Two friends who run an online channel have embarked on the strange and unusual for years when they decide to search the deep underbelly of the dark web for something known as Dark Web Mystery Boxes. Soon they find themselves stalked by a group who run online torture rooms known online as Red Rooms.
Two friends who run an online channel have embarked on the strange and unusual for years when they decide to search the deep underbelly of the dark web for something known as Dark Web Mystery Boxes. Soon they find themselves stalked by a group who run online torture rooms known online as Red Rooms.
Two friends who run an online channel have embarked on the strange and unusual for years when they decide to search the deep underbelly of the dark web for something known as Dark Web Mystery Boxes. Soon they find themselves stalked by a group who run online torture rooms known online as Red Rooms.
Two friends who run an online channel have embarked on the strange and unusual for years when they decide to search the deep underbelly of the dark web for something known as Dark Web Mystery Boxes. Soon they find themselves stalked by a group who run online torture rooms known online as Red Rooms.
약혼자 애비게일과 결혼을 앞둔 형사 데이먼은 오랫동안 이어진 악몽으로 밤마다 고통받는다. 어느 날, 잔혹한 살인 사건을 수사하던 데이먼은 이 사건이 자신과도 연관이 있다는 사실을 알아내고 혼란에 빠진다.
약혼자 애비게일과 결혼을 앞둔 형사 데이먼은 오랫동안 이어진 악몽으로 밤마다 고통받는다. 어느 날, 잔혹한 살인 사건을 수사하던 데이먼은 이 사건이 자신과도 연관이 있다는 사실을 알아내고 혼란에 빠진다.
Still Photographer
23년 마다, 23일 동안 벌어지는 살육의 항연. 낡은 트럭을 타고 다니면서 사람을 잡아먹는 남자 지퍼스 크리퍼스(조나단 브렉)가 마을에 등장하게 되고, 그를 쫓는 보안관 댄(스탠 쇼)은 23일 안에 그를 잡아 살육의 향연을 막으려 한다. 하지만 그의 살인 행각은 계속되고, 마을의 사람들은 그의 손에 하나 둘 씩 희생되기 시작한다. 한편 오래 전 지퍼스에게 아들을 잃은 게리(멕 포스터)는 아들이 죽기 전에 남긴 물건을 찾아 괴물에 대항하기로 한다. 하지만 키우는 말의 건초를 구입하러 시내에 나간 게리의 손녀 애나(가브리엘 호우)가 지퍼스에게 붙잡히게 되고, 지퍼스의 계속되는 살인 행각에 사람들은 불안감을 느끼게 된다. 시간이 지날 수록 점점 더해가는 지퍼스의 살인들. 과연 괴물에 맞서는 마을 사람들의 운명은 어떻게 될 것인가?
Digital Effects Producer
Based off of true events, Within Madness follows the video diary of Donovan Summers, a personal trainer who tells his story through his videos. On the way Donovan starts to become obsessed with a customer at his gym which leads him down a dark road of obsession taking him to lengths of unimaginable self destruction. Within Madness is a dark tale of a man lost in his own desires and the consequences of what happens when all hope is gone.
Sound Editor
Based off of true events, Within Madness follows the video diary of Donovan Summers, a personal trainer who tells his story through his videos. On the way Donovan starts to become obsessed with a customer at his gym which leads him down a dark road of obsession taking him to lengths of unimaginable self destruction. Within Madness is a dark tale of a man lost in his own desires and the consequences of what happens when all hope is gone.
Based off of true events, Within Madness follows the video diary of Donovan Summers, a personal trainer who tells his story through his videos. On the way Donovan starts to become obsessed with a customer at his gym which leads him down a dark road of obsession taking him to lengths of unimaginable self destruction. Within Madness is a dark tale of a man lost in his own desires and the consequences of what happens when all hope is gone.
Based off of true events, Within Madness follows the video diary of Donovan Summers, a personal trainer who tells his story through his videos. On the way Donovan starts to become obsessed with a customer at his gym which leads him down a dark road of obsession taking him to lengths of unimaginable self destruction. Within Madness is a dark tale of a man lost in his own desires and the consequences of what happens when all hope is gone.
Based off of true events, Within Madness follows the video diary of Donovan Summers, a personal trainer who tells his story through his videos. On the way Donovan starts to become obsessed with a customer at his gym which leads him down a dark road of obsession taking him to lengths of unimaginable self destruction. Within Madness is a dark tale of a man lost in his own desires and the consequences of what happens when all hope is gone.
Based off of true events, Within Madness follows the video diary of Donovan Summers, a personal trainer who tells his story through his videos. On the way Donovan starts to become obsessed with a customer at his gym which leads him down a dark road of obsession taking him to lengths of unimaginable self destruction. Within Madness is a dark tale of a man lost in his own desires and the consequences of what happens when all hope is gone.
Based off of true events, Within Madness follows the video diary of Donovan Summers, a personal trainer who tells his story through his videos. On the way Donovan starts to become obsessed with a customer at his gym which leads him down a dark road of obsession taking him to lengths of unimaginable self destruction. Within Madness is a dark tale of a man lost in his own desires and the consequences of what happens when all hope is gone.